Two favorites I left behind.
I admit that I haven't been attending for fifty years, but I can
Gorgeous Display of Copper and Staffordshire Pieces
Over the years the original show grew, eventually moved to it's current location at the Big Red Barn, and spawned hundreds of other antique venues which open around the same time.
The Garden Company, Marburger Farm
Marburger Farm is one of those shows, and it's a favorite.
Cottonseed Trading Company Main Display
One of my favorite vendors is Cottonseed Trading Company from Alabama. Marsha and David Smith are the creative duo behind the incredible visual treats one finds when visiting their space.
Last year most of their booth was sold out within
hours after the show opened.
Cottonseed Trading Company Tablescape
Each show Marsha sets several creative and inspiring tables.
Click here to see a post on one of her spring tables from years past.
More Gorgeous Copper For My Chef
Yes, shopping Marburger is a unique experience,
one that reminds me of shopping the wonderful
antique markets in France and the UK.
Another tradition is the annual purchase of bittersweet and pumpkins. These seem to signal that fall has arrived, and that it's time to add those special fall touches to our home.
This year I added bittersweet to my MacKenzie-Childs three tiered stand, topping off each Courtly Check planter with a baby boo.
The Heirloom Needlepoint Pumpkins are the creative offerings from SM Wollman Designs sold online here.
This darling pumpkin from my friend Patti @ Pandora's Box
is the perfect touch in my home. If you click over to Patti's link above, you'll see lots of fall inspiration in her home.
and deliver that instead of flowers.
A complete post on this
banana nut bread is found here.
Last but not least, pumpkins and fall annuals are always added to
our front porch to provide a festive fall welcome at home.
Simple fall traditions!
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Share Your Style @ Vintage NestVintage Charm @ My Thrift Store Addiction, Foodie Friday and Everything Else @ Rattlebridge Farm Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound