Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Just Peachy!

I baked a peach pie with the last of the 

Texas hill country peaches from last year's crop

using JOY OF COOKING recipe found here.

Then I put it into my 

MacKenzie-Childs ceramic pie dish 

for a pretty presentation.

Peach pie is a 

favorite summer treat.

Especially when it's served 

with a scoop of Haagen-Dazs vanilla.

I also made a few individual pies. 

 I put them into crystal martini stems. 

With the golden ball base, 

these too were a pretty presentation.

Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits  @ Stone Gable

Blogging has taught me to 

"think out of the box"

when it comes to using dishware.

Pull out you crystal stems, 

and use them in unexpected ways.  

June is the beginning of the peach 

season for Texas Hill Country peaches.

Unfortunately the hill country 

had a hard freeze in March of this year.

These beautiful, ripe 

peaches were last year's crop.

All of these photos were taken 

at the Marburger Orchard last year.  

Sadly, this year the hill country orchards 

have less than 5% of their usual 

crop because of the weather.

We usually buy our peaches from 

Marburger Orchard in Fredricksburg, TX.

It offers "pick your own", 

though we always buy from the stand.

They also have strawberries, 

blackberries, tomatoes, and other seasonal vegetables.

Our favorite 

peaches are Redglobe.

Redglobes are large and round 

with a blushed red over a golden color.

I know most think of Georgia, 

the Peach State, when one thinks of peaches.

Here in Texas, we think of the hill country!

Texas Peaches ~ Yum, Yum Good!


I baked a peach pie with the last of the  Texas hill country peaches from last year's crop using JOY OF COOKING recipe found here. Then I put it into my  MacKenzie-Childs ceramic pie dish  for a pretty presentation. Peach pie is a  favorite summer treat. Especially when it's served  with a scoop of Haagen-Dazs vanilla. I also ma...