Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Red ~ White ~ Starry Blue

The red and white and starry blue

Is Freedom's shield and hope. ~ John Philip Sousa

Flag Day ~ June 14th

A few thrifty finds just in 

time to honor the Stars and Stripes!

Staffordshire Liberty Blue 

Promotional Pattern Developed for 

Benjamin Franklin Federal Savings and Loan

to Commemorate the Company's 50th Anniversary in 1975

and the American Bicentennial Celebrated in 1976

The dinnerware features fifteen 

different historical scenes, all from Colonial America.

The borders are a typical floral 

often seen on English transferware.

The cereal bowl features Betsy Ross,

the legendary seamstress credited with 

making the first American flag.

Each piece is marked on the back 

with the name of the historic scene.

This dinner plate 

features Independence Hall.

The mark on the dinner plate is much more 

refined and includes specific information about the 

original copper engraving used to produce the scene.

~ Red ~ White ~ Blue ~

~ Stars ~ Stripes ~

The perfect patriotic dishes!

Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits @ Stone Gable

I like to buy vintage hankies and scarves to use as 
napkins and tray covers.  The added texture is unexpected.

~ F is for flag ~

It's red for love, and it's white for law, 

And it's blue for the hope that our forefathers saw 

Of a larger liberty.



I'd like to give a shout out to  

You may have noticed that my feed is now working again, and it's all because Mariette took the time to write and walk me through a step to correct my settings.


Thanks to each of you who have written to enquire about not receiving post updates.  Hopefully email subscriptions are now functional, and my feed is again on track to update with each new post.  You may sign up for email subscriptions at the top of my sidebar.


The red and white and starry blue Is Freedom's shield and hope. ~ John Philip Sousa Flag Day ~ June 14th A few thrifty finds just in  time to honor the Stars and Stripes! Staffordshire Liberty Blue  Promotional Pattern Developed for  Benjamin Franklin Federal Savings and Loan to Commemorate the Company's 50th Anniversary in 1975 and the American Bi...