Though not at all common these days, at one time May Day was
traditionally celebrated with festive dances around a Maypole.
As a young child, I fondly remember dancing around a Maypole
during my early years in elementary school in the 1950s.
Dressed in a pretty spring dress and holding a brightly colored
ribbon, I danced with my classmates around the tall Maypole
that had been erected in the school yard. As one group moved
clockwise and the other counter clockwise, we wove the
colorful ribbons around the pole, then reversed the motion to
unfurl the ribbons back into the long streamers which we had held
at the start of the dance. Fond memories of a beautiful time!
Another early May Day tradition was
the giving of May baskets filled with flowers.
The baskets were left anonymously
at the door of special friends and neighbors.
I think this lovely custom needs to be reinstated!
Tell me if you have any special May Day traditions.
May 5th ~ Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo is a favorite Mexican holiday celebrated here
in Central Texas where both the Mexican culture and
the love of Mexican food are prominent.
For ideas on hosting your own
Mexican dinner party click here and here.
The Polohouse, Used With Permission
May 7th ~ The Kentucky Derby
I've never been to the Kentucky Derby,
but have long been fascinated with the tradition of this event.
I think it would be fun to host a Kentucky Derby Party.
Have you ever attended the Kentucky Derby
or hosted a Derby Party?
Visit Alison @ The Polohouse for
Derby Party inspiration here, here, and here.
Image from Home Is Where The Boat Is
To view the complet post of Mary's beautiful,
Off to the Races table click here.
May 8 ~ Mother's Day
In the US, Mother's Day is celebrated
on the second Sunday in May.
Though my sweet mom is no longer with us,
I will plan a special dessert tray in her honor, just
as I prepared for a previous Mother's Day post here.
May 30th ~ Memorial Day
selflessly to their country. From Civil War soldiers to those fighting
today on foreign soils, we remember the men and women
who have died while serving in the US Armed Forces.