Here in Austin, one can spot
colonies of these growing in open grassy fields or
grassy areas beside sidewalks that run along city streets.
They spring from the ground after a rain.
grass like leaves are no fuss.
~ No Watering ~ No Pruning ~
These bulbs, originally came from
Mexico or Guatemala, but have spread
and naturalized through the south.
Cold hardy in zones 8-10, they
are related to Amaryllis.
The starry flowers can be pink to yellow to white.
The blooms last a day or two, but plants will rebloom numerous
times spring through fall after rains that follow
periods of drought or dry conditions.
~ Zephyranthus ~
Zephyus, meaning flower.
Rain Lily ~ Fairy Lily ~ Zephyr Lily ~
Rainflower ~ Magic Lily ~ Atamasco Lily
Actually not lilies at all, but in the Amaryllis family.
Congratulations to
Anita @ Cedar Hill Ranch
Miss Merri Mac and I will get your
Starbucks Gift Card off to you this week.
Thank you to all who joined in the fun
and left a comment on Miss Merri Mac's
Adventures Celebrating the Golden Days of Fall.
The next Traveling Totes Series is December 15th.
You won't want to miss the generous give away
sponsored by Patti @ Pandora's Box.