Sunday, June 11, 2017

Easily Entertained!

Keeping this post short and sweet!

These two beauties 

arrived in our mailbox this week.

MacKenzie-Childs Summer Catalog

and Beekman 1802 Summer Almanac.

The Beekman 1802 brand is new to me, but they 

recently partnered with MacKenzie-Childs

to offer a great Flower Market soap and lotion set 

in a Courtly Check container.

I'm a new fan ~ more to come in a future post!

As much as I enjoy reading blogs and 

viewing my Instagram feed,

I rather enjoy the simple pleasure of quiet time

in a favorite rocker on our upstairs porch.

It's my escape for relaxing with a 

good book or favorite publications. 

I feel as if I'm up in the trees above the garden.

Yes, I'm easily entertained!

I fixed myself a little afternoon snack.

You all know I have a sweet tooth!

With cupcakes on my mind from my last post, 

I couldn't resist one of these darling flower bouquet 

delights from Whole Foods Bakery.

Of course I had to pop it into one of my

Courtly Check cup cake enhancers.

I like to eat a cupcake with a fork,

and these little cup cake holders make it oh so easy!

Look at the darling detail

on these little cakes!

The Language and Sentiment of Flowers available here on Amazon.

According to the Language of Flowers,

Violets suggest a "pledge of faithfulness" and

say, "you occupy my thoughts."

Nothing could be truer when it comes to my favorite brand!

MacKenzie-Childs stole my heart almost 30 years ago, 

and I'm still adding their whimsical pieces to our home.

I'll be placing an order tonight!

Free shipping with no minimum through June 14, 2017.  

What a deal!

Congratulations to Chris Wasson

the winner of the MacKenzie-Childs enamel storage box.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 

Tales of the Traveling Tote #11.

Look for our next edition September 1, 2017.


Keeping this post short and sweet! These two beauties  arrived in our mailbox this week. MacKenzie-Childs Summer Catalog and Beekman 1802 Summer Almanac. The Beekman 1802 brand is new to me, but they  recently partnered with MacKenzie-Childs to offer a great Flower Market soap and lotion set  in a Courtly Check container. I'm a new fan ~ more to come in a future pos...