Fall in Love with Texas.
Welcome to the third annual Texas bloggers' Fall tour.
Many thanks to our hostess,
Katie @ Let's Add Sprinkles
who has organized a group of Texas bloggers
to share their inspiration for Fall in Texas.
Deck the halls with all the pumpkins, fa la la la.
I've adopted this cleverness from my Instagram friend,
Jesse Lauzon.
Jesse is a hunter gather par excellence.
If you don't already follow Jesse on Instagram, you should.
He shares the most amazing squares that reflect his pinchent for collecting, and his clever dialog is certain to amuse.
There is just a hint of fall in our Texas air of late, and it has
me adding touches of rusty oranges and earthy tones to our home.
I've been decking the halls with all things Fall.
~ Pumpkins ~ Acorns ~ Bittersweet ~
~ Fall Flowers ~ Cozy Plaids ~ Comfort Food ~
First thing I do at the start of Autumn,
is to bring out my velvet pumpkins.
Our mantel pretty much stays the same year round,
though I often add a simple seasonal touch
to the antique French balance scale.
Velvet pumpkins are a perfect fit for autumn.
I became smitten with velvet pumpkins years ago when they
first appeared. I like the ones made with real stems,
and have added to my group of
Hot Squash and Plush Pumpkins over time.
You can read a complete post about my velvet pumpkins
here ~ V is for Velvet Pumpkins.
Several years ago, something new caught my attention.
Instead of velvet used to fashion pumpkins, I found
"heirloom needlepoint pumpkins" made from vintage needlepoint.
This clever offering can be purchased through
SM Woolman Designs each Thursday starting at 3 PM Central.
This year's "harvest" runs throuh November 3, 2018.
Just like spring, the season of fall has me
polishing "the chef's" collection of copper.
We find our Courtly Check MacKenzie-Childs enamel ware
is the perfect accent for the warmth and glow of copper.
House plants and mini pumpkins are often added
to favorite pieces of brass or copper.
Bouquets of bittersweet
fill copper containers as well.
I admit that I'm not a big fan of real life squirrels who wreck havvoc with our outdoor cushions and potted containers,
but I do find them cute critters when faux squirrels are
added to vignettes from time to time.
The Irish pine glass front cupboard in our kitchen sitting room
holds favorite pieces of antique French pottery.
I like to add in touches of seasonal color with little wooden pumpkins that I've picked up through the years.
I miss the days when one could find wooden pumpkins made
by creative individuals and offered for sale at various markets.
It seems now all are made from resin rather than carved from wood.
All this talk of fall touches
has me craving a little comfort food.
Won't you join me for a cup of tomato basil soup
loaded with fresh shrimp from the Texas Gulf?
I made some just for you!
Fa ~ La ~ La ~ La ~ Fall ~ Y'all!
I wish each of you all the best for a beautiful Autumn.
If interested, I invite you to visit my previous
Fall in Love With Texas Blog Tours
at the links below:
Autumn Traditions ~ 2017 here.
It's Fall in Texas, Y'all! ~ 2016 here.
Be certain to stop by my fellow Texas friends
for more fall inspiration, Texas style.
Links Below
Also Joining
Fall in Love with Texas.
Welcome to the third annual Texas bloggers' Fall tour.
Many thanks to our hostess,
Katie @ Let's Add Sprinkles
who has organized a group of Texas bloggers
to share their inspiration for Fall in Texas.
Deck the halls with all the pumpkins, fa la la la.
I've adopted this cleverness from my Instagram friend,
Jesse Lauzon.
Jesse is a hunter gather...