Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February ~ 2016

Iconic Fork Sculpture at Local Austin Restaurant

F e b r u a r y

Original by Patience Brewster, Patience Brewster Inc.
Used With Permission

How can it be that we've 

turned the calendar to a new month?

February 2 ~ Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil and other famous groundhogs

around did not see their shadows this morning.

According to legend, 

"There is no shadow to be cast; an early spring is forecast!"

Detail of Vintage Ball Gown of San Antonio, TX Fiesta Queen

February 8 ~ Chinese New Year 2016

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is one of the

most important celebrations for the Chinese.

2016 ~ Year of the Monkey

Contemporary Mask

February 9, 2016 ~ Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday.

Wearing a mask and costume is common for celebrating

Mardi Gras along with parades and lots of merry making!

Victorian Valentine ~ Private Collection

February 14, 2016 ~ Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine's Day has evolved through the years

to be associated with romantic love and gifts of

valentine cards, chocolate, flowers, or some romantic item.

Alice's Key, 2011 by Beth Fisher, Gypsy Fish Studio

The "chef" holds the key to my heart

and surprises me with gifts in his own time.

He is a romantic who doesn't believe in contrived holidays.

Star Quilt, c1880 ~ Uncle Sam Doll by Saundra Slagle

February 15, 2016 ~ Presidents' Day

Presidents' Day is a US federal holiday 

held on the third Monday of February

to honor the Presidents of the United States.

Porcelain Heart Boxes ~ Gifts From The Chef

That about sums it 

up for the month ahead.

Red Geraniums ~  Nice, France

I'd like to give a shoutout to my blogging friend,

Jenna @ The Painted Apron.

She commented on my January post that she had enjoyed 

my Alphabet Series and asked if I 

planned to do a monthly themed series.

Antique Cooper Pudding Moulds and Mary Engelbreit Tin, c1983

Great idea, Genna!

Look for future monthly posts dedicated to each specific month.

Also a special thank you to Patience Brewster for allowing 

me to use the photo of her wonderful painting for Groundhog Day.

Visit Patience Brewster, Inc HERE for gifts for your valentine.


Iconic Fork Sculpture at Local Austin Restaurant F e b r u a r y Original by Patience Brewster, Patience Brewster Inc. Used With Permission How can it be that we've  turned the calendar to a new month? February 2 ~ Groundhog Day Punxsutawney Phil and other famous groundhogs around did not see their shadows this morning. According to legend,  "There is no shadow to be cast...