Monday, May 10, 2010

Q is for Quice tea, Quimper, Quiche, Quilt, Quarry, and Quackers

is for

Quince tea

served in vintage Quimper,

with a delicious quiche

while snuggled under a favorite quilt

reading Q is for Quarry,
one of Sue Grafton's alphabet murder mysteries.

Oh, and the quackers . . .
they are outside enjoying the beautiful day.

Thanks for joining me today 
in my quest for a quiet retreat.

is for Quince tea served in vintage Quimper, with a delicious quiche while snuggled under a favorite quilt reading Q is for Quarry, one of Sue Grafton's alphabet murder mysteries. Oh, and the quackers . . . they are outside enjoying the beautiful day. Thanks for joining me today  in my quest for a quiet retreat....