Sunday, June 30, 2013

Proud To Be American!

Favorites on the 1st 

~ Patriotic Edition ~

 The summer months offer patriotic 

holidays from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

It's the perfect time to 

celebrate the red, white, and blue.

I've long been a 

collector of patriotic items.

Vintage Quilts and Patriotic Dolls

Patriotic Postcards From Yesteryear

Uncle Sam Folk Art Figures

Vintage Ice Fishing Lures

Needlepoint Figures 

Stitched Through The Years

Uncle Sam

Lady Liberty

Dove of Peace

The delightful "make do" above 

is a piece of handwork by my friend 

Click here to go to Evi's shop to see her amazing work.

Books on Americana

~ Happy 4th of July! ~

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Thank you to all my followers.  


Favorites on the 1st  ~ Patriotic Edition ~  The summer months offer patriotic  holidays from Memorial Day to Labor Day. It's the perfect time to  celebrate the red, white, and blue. I've long been a  collector of patriotic items. Vintage Quilts and Patriotic Dolls Patriotic Postcards From Yesteryear Uncle Sam Folk Art Figures...