Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tales of the Traveling Tote #25

Rabbit, Rabbit ~ December 1, 2020
Welcome to Tales of the non Traveling Tote!
As like many, we are staying home,
so absolutely no travel to share!
Instead, a few random things each month.

The first Sunday in September found 
us enjoying one of our favorite traditions.
Shakes, Burgers, and Bubbles
at The Peached Tortilla
to celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary.

It was the first offering since the lockdown,
and our first time to venture into a restaurant.

Temperature checks at the door, only a few tables 
available inside, and excellent safety protocal.

The Chef took the donut home for a late night snack, and we shared the shake, a delicious caramel milkshake, rimmed in chocolate and pecans, and topped with a traditional yeast donut. 

Thank you, Peached Tortilla, 
you never disappoint!

September also brought my sister back up to see her daughters,
so we had a little sister time with lunch at Sweet Lemon.
Since COVID, they only offer outdoor dining 
~ picnic tables under the huge oaks.

October arrived and with it 
some beautiful autumn weather!
A favorite activity is to venture over 
to a neighborhood bakery.

Miss Merri Mac and the bears came along and were very
popular with a little girl and her baby brother munching on their
bakery treats.  Mack and Kenzie go together like milk and cookies.

Grocery shopping at least offers a reason to leave the house.
A weekly early morning trip to Trader Joe's 
for flowers and a few fall favorites has become a habit.
Thank you, Trader Joe's for senior hour shopping!

COVID has changed much of our normal routine, and
voting was no exception.  We received our ballots, completed them
and drove over to the County Offices to vote absentee.

The process couldn't have been easier or more efficient.
Thank you Travis County for offering a safe way
to cast our votes in the 2020 election.

Sadie Mercedes made her voice heard as well.
Miss Arden Elizabeth of the Treat Party.

October in Texas traditionally brings large crowds 
from across the country to shop the antique venues 
at Round Top and the surrounding small communities.

I rarely miss an opportunity, and since the shows were completely canceled last spring, I seriously considered attending
when things opened back up for shopping this fall.

When the week arrived, I decided it was too risky
and Miss Merri Mac and I opted to forgo 
shopping among large crowds.

Staying home has me in the 
kitchen baking more these days.

We can't consume all the goodies,
so Miss Merri Mac and I deliver baked goods
to friends around the neighborhood.

Table for two for Thanksgiving 2020
With the arrival of November also came increased 
numbers of confirmed cases. COVID restrictions once
again tightened up and holiday plans took on a 
very different look from previous years.
Thanksgiving Turkey Talk post here.

Neighborhood walks are the extent of being out and about 
other than grocery shopping and doctor appointments.
Fortunately many of our neighbors like to add seasonal
touches to greet those out for a daily walk.

This charming door always has a pretty wreath 
embellished with black and white checked ribbon, 
a nod to the MacKenzie-Childs fan who lives within.  

One of my favorite doors I pass on my walk is a cheerful yellow
and home to a favorite, Mrs. Powers of MacKenzie-Childs fame.  
The swinging Mrs. Powers is a door knocker, 
and the wreath changes with the seasons.

And then there was this in a trash can 
the day after Thanksgiving.
I admit, I stopped to do a double take, 
thinking someone had thrown out 
MacKenzie-Childs pumpkins.

Be sure to visit all the adventures below.
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul (You are here)
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader

Just in time for the holidays!
Our Giveaway this edition is a trio of paper goods.
Leave a comment below on my blog for a chance to win.
You will need to leave your blog address or an email to be entered so we have a way to contact you.  Thank you!

Rabbit, Rabbit ~ December 1, 2020Welcome to Tales of the non Traveling Tote!As like many, we are staying home,so absolutely no travel to share!Instead, a few random things each month.The first Sunday in September found us enjoying one of our favorite traditions.Shakes, Burgers, and Bubblesat The Peached Tortillato celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary.It was the first offering since the lockdown...