Time for Pink Saturday hosted by
Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound.
Le chef is here with a delicious
cupcake iced in creamy pink frosting.
Yesterday's Rooster Party at Bella Vista was a huge success. I'm still working my way through all the delightful parties. I never realized that there are so many different roosters out there. Hardly a duplicate in the bunch! Thanks, Barb, for hosting this hugely successful event. It was great fun!
A big thank you to each of you who visited and left a comment this week.
Pink Saturday is a day for posting something pink and in keeping with celebrating The Week of Roosters here at HFTS, here is my PINK Rooster.

Small French Faience Dish, Unsigned
Singing Heart
A Haiku for Lovers
by Hyacinth
With each new season
My love for you grows stronger~
My heart sings with joy.
August 2009
"Quand ce coq chantera, mon amour finira."
"When this rooster sings, my love will end."
The French saying is a declaration of undying love, since this particular rooster will NEVER sing!
This sweet sentiment is found on various items that one might give a friend or sweetheart. I also have several French faience snuffs in my collection with this quote. You can see them in the slideshow posted at the top of the sidebar. The haiku was written for my husband. Sunday we celebrate 34 years of marriage.
This little pink rooster is the finale of my week of roosters on parade. Another huge "Thank You!" to Barb for hosting yesterday's Rooster Party. It was definitely a party to crow about! An amazing 200+ participants.
Please click on "Comments" below to leave a note to let me know you stopped by today. I so appreciate your thoughts. Thank you!

Then click here for more Pink Saturday Fun.
Happy Pink Saturday to All!

Come back on Monday for a double post with both Metamorphosis Monday and Blue Monday.
Have a great weekend!
Time for Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound. Le chef is here with a delicious cupcake iced in creamy pink frosting. Enjoy!Yesterday's Rooster Party at Bella Vista was a huge success. I'm still working my way through all the delightful parties. I never realized that there are so many different roosters out there. Hardly a duplicate in the bunch! Thanks, Barb, for hosting th...