Friday, October 8, 2010

I Won the Silver

I won the silver ~ the silver giveaway gift @ The Lazy Peacock!

The Lazy Peacock drew my name on September 25, 2010, and shortly there after a box of gifts arrived at my door. A box of favorite things that the Lazy Peacock had put together. As you might observe in her beautiful header shown above, the The Lazy Peacock loves silver.

Just look at this awesome assortment of beautiful gifts. With so many lovely silver items, I figured that Silver Sunday would be the perfect time to share this gift.

From the look of the many delights in this gift, I wouldn't call Wendy a Lazy Peacock. She must have been busy finding these treasures.

Yes, Wendy, I adore my prize! Each treasure makes my heart sing with joy.

The open glass salt cellar sparkles like diamonds.

These little tartlet tin hearts will come in handy for my valentine baking.

The rustic, shabby metal cup will hold pens and pencils on my desk.

The silverplate napkin ringedged with a beautiful beading will join my collection of silver napkin rings while the rustic hammered metal ice tongs will find a home on our bar tray.

The elegant Wm Rogers silverplate bowl is edged with this floral border and will soon be full of candy corn for Halloween.

Monogramed linens are a favorite here at HFTS, and this lovely napkin is monogramed with an S. How lucky is that!

I had commented in my entry that the S would be perfect for me. So thoughtful, sweet Wendy included something extra in the package ~ a beautifully engraved butter knife.

It was in addition to the silverplate sugar spoon and jelly server.

Look at the gorgeous details on these two serving pieces.

Back in August, Candy celebrated the 1st Anniversary of The Little Round Table with generous gifts to five lucky followers.

I happened to be the fifth name drawn and the winner of a $100 check. I used my gift to shop for tabletop items when I went to Round Top last week.

The oval silver vegetable server above is holding my gifts from the Lazy Peacock, but it's one of the treasures that followed me home from Warrenton.

Look at the beautiful shell design at each end.

I told Candy that the gift check would be spent on tabletop items. Antique mother of pearl flatware is another of my passions, so I was thrilled to add two serving forks with stunning sterling ferrules. I came home with more wonderful finds, but I'll share those another time.

I'm sending big hugs and a sincere thank you to both Wendy and Candy. I'm most appreciative to be the lucky recipient of these generous gifts.

Treat yourself to a visit @ The Lazy Peacock here where Wendy shares her latest vintage finds and here to join Candy @ The Little Round Table. Candy shares her extensive collection of dishes and linens with stunning tablesettings all through the week.

Click on the links below to see a list of others participating this coming week in the following memes:

Thank you ladies for hosting!

I won the silver ~ the silver giveaway gift @ The Lazy Peacock!The Lazy Peacock drew my name on September 25, 2010, and shortly there after a box of gifts arrived at my door. A box of favorite things that the Lazy Peacock had put together. As you might observe in her beautiful header shown above, the The Lazy Peacock loves silver. Just look at this awesome assortment of beautiful gifts. With s...