and was my swap partner for our
Rita and I share a love of gardening, antiques, travel,
cooking, and setting a pretty table.
United States and Canada, and is a staple in West Virginia.
Look for a future post devoted to Pawpaw.

The Traveling Tote Girls have teamed up to share something tasty from our own town or region. Most of you know my darling friend, Rita @ Panoply. She is one of the Traveling Tote Girls and was my swap partner for our Taste of Our Town Swap. In addition to our shared passion for MacKenzie-Childs, Rita and I share a love of gardening, antiques, travel, cooking, and setting a pr...
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain BreathsEmily with Miss Courtney Childs@ The French HutchPatti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's BoxJenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted ApronKatie with Miss Daisy @ Preppy Empty NesterLinda with Miss Rosie @ More Fun Less LaundryLinda with Miss Lola @ Life and LindaRita with Miss Luna C @ PanoplySarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Souland our new traveler:Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Welcome to Tales of the Traveling Tote #13 They say birds of a feather like to flock together, so Miss Merri Mac and I boarded a plane mid October to fly up to meet my collector QCI friends on the east coast. After three canceled flights and a lost day, we finally arrived in Boston! This year's QCI Annual Meeting was a cruise from Montreal to Boston and NYC...
The summer we married, my husband was in graduate school, and I was employed as a teacher. We took a portion of our savings that summer and purchased a sailboat. We christened our Catalina 22, “Hyacinths For The Soul” after Saadi’s poem. Our "Hyacinths" provided years of pleasure. We continue to cherish the extras of life as food for our souls.
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