Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Tales of the Traveling Totes # 10 ~ The Adventures Continue

Welcome to Tales of the Traveling Totes # 10.

When Patti organized our little group of tote travelers

in 2015, who would have guessed that we'd

be continuing the fun two years later

and adding new travelers along the way.

Yes, exciting news!  Another traveler has hopped on board.

Meet Katie and her traveling partner, Miss Daisy.

I first met Katie through her blog, Preppy Empty Nester

and have since had the fun of meeting up with Katie

 here in Austin as well as on Cape Cod this past summer.

With a header like this, Katie definitely belongs in this group!

Katie is a perfect fit for The Tales of the Traveling Totes series. 

Katie is the master of wit and humor with weekly musings on 

Hodgepodge WednesdayFriday Files, and other frequent posts

where she shares beautiful homes and places

of interest in and around Boston.

Chowdah and Chili, her faithful companions, 

will no doubt be involved in the fun.

As for Miss Merri Mac and the other Courtly Check girls here,

we've been staying pretty close to home of late 

with only a few nearby getaways.

An overnight Mah Jongg retreat with a group 

of twelve friends, took us to an amazing lake house 

on the shores of Lake LBJ.

Too cold to be on the water, but the view was spectacular.

Anyway, we were way too busy inside with a Mah Jongg

tournament, playing into the wee hours of the morning.

Mid January found Miss Merri Mac and me 

on the road with the CAMEO group

for antique shopping in the Texas hill country

as we made our way to the beautiful 

Frio Canon on the Frio River.

After a full day of shopping in the small hill country towns,

we settled in at this beautiful Frio River property.

Lots of delicious food and laughter as we stayed up late

enjoying the company of good friends.

Everyone likely knows about the fall and spring 

antique markets in Round Top, Texas 

and surrounding area, but did you know 

that there is a winter show too?  

It’s just one venue at the Big Red Barn.

The weather isn’t always the best,

but who cares when antique treasures await.

Our most recent jaunt was up to Dallas to 

meet up with  Quimper collector  friends.

You may recall the gathering last year that I shared here.  

I had conflicts for arriving in time for 

the beautiful sale and luncheon, but I didn't want to miss

seeing the friends who flew or drove in for the annual event.  

Miss Merri Mac and I hopped on one of the new Vonlane buses 

and headed to Dallas for a few days of fun with Dallas friends.

I didn't take many photos, 

but I saw a wealth of beautiful Quimper!

To Visit Previous Miss Merri Mac Adventures

Just click on number links below. 

#1#2#3#4#5 # 6#7#8, #9, and also
hereherehere, and here.

The Traveling Tote Girls are giving away

this lovely green MacKenzie-Childs Flower Market vase

just in time for your spring bouquets.

To be entered you must leave a comment on this post.

Giveaway is now closed.
Congratulations to our winner,  Bonnie @ Living With Thanksgiving!

~ Don't Miss the Fun ~
More Tales of the Traveling Totes
at the links below.

Join Us June 1st

for the next Traveling Tote Adventure.


Welcome to Tales of the Traveling Totes # 10. When Patti organized our little group of tote travelers in 2015, who would have guessed that we'd be continuing the fun two years later and adding new travelers along the way. Yes, exciting news!  Another traveler has hopped on board. Meet Katie and her traveling partner, Miss Daisy. I first met Katie thro...