Friday, December 11, 2009

The Elegance of the French Court

Louis Nichole Christmas Ornament - 1983

Our sweet hostess, Beverly of How Sweet the Sound has asked that we share a favorite holiday decoration this Saturday. Well, selecting a favorite from our ornaments is like asking me to select a favorite niece or nephew. They are each and every one very special and bring their own unique joy. That said, I took camera in hand and focused in on something PINK.

After all it is Pink Saturday! So here for your pleasure is a little mademoiselle chat dressed in her finest pink ruffles and frills and a berribboned chapeau. You can see from her proud face that she thinks she is the "cat's meow!"

Louis Nichole Christmas Ornament - 1983

Her gentleman friend, monsieur chien, is ever so elegant in his waist coat and bow tie. I think he looks rather dapper and distinguished.

This charming dueo was added to our Christmas ornaments in 1983. They were part of Louis Nichole's Louis XVII Heirloom Collection. Even the little tag that was attached to each one is elegant.

And I love the description within:

I hadn't given this pair much thought other than to delight in their presence on our Christmas trees for the past 26 years, but with this post I decided to google Louis Nichole to learn more about the talented designer who created my cherished petite chen and chat. As a retired elementary teacher, I was amused to read that he is a former kindergarten teacher who built up an international brand in only ten years. The Louis Nichole web site is filled with photos of his work: homes and gardens, home furnishings, tabletop, dolls and collectables, Christmas. He is one very talented individual! You can visit his site here.

As always, I'm delighted you stopped by for a visit. Please leave a comment below so I know you were here. Then check back in with Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound to see what others have shared for this special Pink Saturday.

Louis Nichole Christmas Ornament - 1983Our sweet hostess, Beverly of How Sweet the Sound has asked that we share a favorite holiday decoration this Saturday. Well, selecting a favorite from our ornaments is like asking me to select a favorite niece or nephew. They are each and every one very special and bring their own unique joy. That said, I took camera in hand and focused in on something PI...