Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Frightfully Delightful

Austin Skyline In The Distance

I know ~

 it's been more than a month.

Thank you to all who reached out

to check in with me.

Lake Austin

I spent two glorious weeks in France

 in September, and since returning home

I've been focused on family and friends.

 I promise I will share about my time in Paris soon.

A very creative friend recently hosted a 

small get together in honor of 

two friends with October birthdays.

It took this 

frightfully delightful table

to spark a new post.


staff on duty!

~ Creepy ~

Cheese Straw Fingers

( Directions found here. )

E e e e k!!!

Creepy, crawly, spiders!!!

More scary deviled eggs can be seen here

Lynn @ Happier Than a Pig in Mud

Chicken Poblano Wraps

Healthy Tidbits

Sweet Bites

For the Birthday Girls

Drink Tray


missing something?

Trick or Treat!

Hope your Halloween Party is

Frightfully Delightful


Austin Skyline In The Distance I know ~  it's been more than a month. Thank you to all who reached out to check in with me. Lake Austin I spent two glorious weeks in France  in September, and since returning home I've been focused on family and friends.  I promise I will share about my time in Paris soon. A very creative friend recently...