Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Splendid Beauty ~ Magnolias

Magnolia ~ Harbinger of Spring

Each day as I take my morning walk,

the neighborhood is filled

with a very distinct lemony fragrance.

It announces the magnolia blooms

that are in abundance this time of year.

These splendid white beauties are named

for the 17th century French botanist, Pierre Magnol.

Native to both Asia and the Americas, the evergreen

tree has leathery leaves and gorgeous large white blooms.

Considered to be very primitive,

the blooms are similar to the very first flowers.

Magnolia blooms open in layers,

can be as large as 10 inches across,

and have as many as 14 tepals.

Both Mississippi and Louisiana

selected Magnolias as their state flower.

It's no surprise that these

blooms are associated with . . .



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Magnolia ~ Harbinger of Spring Each day as I take my morning walk, the neighborhood is filled with a very distinct lemony fragrance. It announces the magnolia blooms that are in abundance this time of year. These splendid white beauties are named for the 17th century French botanist, Pierre Magnol. Native to both Asia and the Americas,...