Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March ~ 2016

M A R C H ~  2016

As the saying goes,

"March comes in like a lion."

 "Goes out like a lamb."

Typically March begins with cold wintery weather

and goes out with the mild and gentle feel of spring.

Today, here in Texas at least, 

March came in like a lamb with a perfect spring-like day. 

March 1 ~ National Pig Day

Did you miss this one, or did you celebrate the pig?

Do you know pigs are one of the 

most intellectual domesticated animals?

They are very social creatures, can learn tricks, 

and some varieties are raised as pets.

Click here to join these cuties for a Pink Pig Party.

All the famous pig personalities will be there.

March 2 ~ Texas Independence Day

Those of you not from Texas, 

likely don't have this date highlighted on your calendar, 

but it's an official holiday here in Texas.

March 2, 1836 is the date that Texas 

declared its independence from Mexico.

It is also the birthday of Sam Houston, 

the man who led Texas to victory over 

Mexican troops at the Battle of San Jacinto. 

March 2 is also the birthday of one of my BFF.

Happy Birthday, Ann!

"How much is that doggie in the window?"

March 10 ~ Sadie Mercedes' Adoption Day

This date is very special here at Hyacinths for the Soul.

It marks the anniversary of when our sweet

Sadie Mercedes came to live with us.

Thank you, Wee Rescue for allowing us

the privilege of adopting this precious girl 

who fills our lives with joy beyond measure.

Photo Tiny Pies, Used With Permission

March 14 ~ National Pi Day

National Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π.

The digits 3, 1, 4 are the first significant 

digits of π, thus the date, 3-1-4.  

My good friend and mathematics educator, 

Judith @ Botanic Bleu

suggested that I must include this important date.  

I plan to celebrate with a pie from my favorite source.

Tiny Pies ~ Austin, Texas

What will you do to celebrate?

March 16 ~ Cuisine Kathleen's 
Annual Blog Crawl

Get your green on and join 

Cuisine Kathleen's 

8th Annual St. Patrick's Blog Crawl.

There are sure to be lots of leprechauns causing mischief

on tabletops across Blogland, and no doubt you are all curious

to see who received the Traveling Shamrock Cloth this year.

You can read about the Traveling Shamrock Cloth here.

March 17 ~ St. Patrick's Day

Lhasa Apso's are from Tibet, not Ireland,

but Miss Sadie will be wearing her sparkly 

green bow to celebrate the day.

How do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

March 20 ~ First Day of Spring

"Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil. " 

~ Bishop Reginald Herber

March 27 ~ Easter

Easter Sunday is on March 27 this year.

Only 26 days away!

Bunnies have already begun to hop about around here.

Are you getting ready for Easter?


M A R C H ~  2016 As the saying goes, "March comes in like a lion."  "Goes out like a lamb." Typically March begins with cold wintery weather and goes out with the mild and gentle feel of spring. Today, here in Texas at least,  March came in like a lamb with a perfect spring-like day.  March 1 ~ National Pig Day Did you miss this one, or did you celebrate the pig?...