~ Welcome Autumn ~
October has arrived!
I've no idea how September vanished so
quickly, but here we are in the month of October.
I'm not the least bit disappointed!
October ushers in my favorite season, and
fortunately here in Texas, we are having
cooler days and crisp evenings.
You can find the above table setting here
October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came~
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
~ George Cooper ~
The month of October is
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The looped pink ribbon has come to symbolize the international
campaign begun to raise awareness of the risks of breast cancer,
the value of early detection, and treatment options available.
October is also
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
We adopted our sweet Sadie over four years ago.
Wee Rescue is a local organization dedicated to
rescuing Lhasa Apsos, Shih Tzus, and Pekingese
from Central Texas shelters.
October 7-10, 2016
Fall Festival @ MacKenzie-Childs ~ Aurora, NY
Oh, don't you know I wish I could go to this.
My friend Patti @ Pandora's Box
wrote about last year's festival here.
Landing of Columbus, John Vanderlyn, 1846
Commissioned by Congress for the Capitol Rotunda
October 10, 2016 ~ Columbus Day
Columbus Day became a federal holiday in the US in 1937
and is celebrated the second Monday of October to recognize
the anniversary of the arrival of Christopher Columbus
in the Americas on October 12, 1492.
French Faience World War Commemorative Plate
October 24 ~ United Nations Day
Celebrated since 1948, United Nations Day marks the
anniversary of the 1945 UN Charter,
a foundational treaty to bring together the nations of the
world to prevent another war like WWII from ever occurring.
October 31 ~ Halloween
This is a holiday that needs no introduction,
and is celebrated by children and adults here in
the states as well as in many other countries.
Halloween festivities often include dressing in costume,
special parties, and the custom of children "trick or treating"
from door to door in their neighborhood.
What is your favorite Halloween memory?
Fall in Love With Texas
Be sure to join us each day this week
as we share fall inspiration in our homes.
To begin the tour tomorrow morning head over to
Katie @ Let's Add Sprinkles.
Thanks, Katie, for being our hostess.
Hyacinths for the Soul
will be featured on Thursday.
~ Welcome Autumn ~
October has arrived!
I've no idea how September vanished so
quickly, but here we are in the month of October.
I'm not the least bit disappointed!
October ushers in my favorite season, and
fortunately here in Texas, we are having
cooler days and crisp evenings.
You can find the above table setting here
~ Golden Days of Autumn ~