Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Cocktails On The Terrace

Cocktails On The Terrace 

Courtesy Of 

A gift of party mixers and

a gorgeous hand painted pitcher

recently floated my way from

Mary's lakeside abode.

In celebration of my "booty"

from Mary's Blue Crab Bay Giveaway,

I'm serving drinks and appetizers.

The beautiful stoneware pitcher 

is the original design of nationally known

 folk artist,  José Dovis.

One side features a blue crab. 

The other, a grapevine design 

inspired by the vineyards 

of the Chesapeake Bay Region.

I filled the pitcher with 

flowers for our table this evening.

~ Grevillea ~Lysimachia ~ Eucalyptus ~ Roses ~

This stoneware pitcher will be perfect for

serving drinks when we host a group.

The Sting Ray Bloody Mary Mixer

is award winning with a rich

 blend of tomato and clam juice.

Great to cook with, Blue Crab Bay's 

web site offers a variety of recipes that use 

Sting Ray Bloody Mary Mixer.

The jalapeno infused margarita mixer

offers a real zing to the traditional lime margarita.

How about a little something to 

munch on with your tasty drinks?

~ Snow Crab Claws ~

 The Perfect Cocktail Appetizer

Pick them up 

by the claws and   .   .   .

Dip them into 

a spicy red sauce.

I'm enjoying mine with an

ice cold zesty margarita.

I salted the rim with

Cyprus Lemon Sea Salt.

All gone and

ready for another!

The "chef" is having Blue Crab Bay's

signature Sting Ray Bloody Mary.

We may be landlocked in central Texas,

but for this evening's cocktail hour,

 we can feel the ocean breeze.

Thank you, Mary!

 won a Blue Crab Bay gift too.

The two of us planned to have a virtual party with 

cocktails here and dinner at Kitty's Kozy Kitchen.

Some of you may know that Kitty's husband is terminally ill. 

He is now receiving Hospice Care.  

Kitty asked me to let her blogging friends know.  

Please keep Kitty and her family in your 

thoughts and prayers as they travel this journey.


Cocktails On The Terrace  Courtesy Of  Mary @ Home is Where the Boat Is and ~ Blue Crab Bay ~ Gourmet Specialty Foods and Gifts A gift of party mixers and a gorgeous hand painted pitcher recently floated my way from Mary's lakeside abode. In celebration of my "booty" from Mary's Blue Crab Bay Giveaway, I'm serving drinks and app...