Sunday, November 15, 2009

Camïeue Blue Monday Continued

It's time once again for Blue Monday with Smiling Sally.

Last Monday I shared my small collection of French faïence in camïeue blue. ( If you missed it you can read about it here. ) So this week I decided I'd share photos of a collection of camïeue blue faïence that I visited a year ago. These pieces belong to my friend, Charna, who graciously agreed to let me share them on my blog. I don't know specifics about each of Charna's pieces, but I do know they are French, and they are indeed lovely. Charna has a wonderful wall of built-in cases, and these delights fill the shelves. Just imagine waking to these serene pieces each morning.

As I said, I don't know the specifics about each of these so I will just show the photos. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoyed seeing some more pieces in this charming art style. It's difficult to improve on the combination of blue and white. Charna's collection offers a look at some unusual forms and some exquisite painting. Click here to go on over to Sally's to see what other blue awaits you on this Blue Monday, but first please leave a comment below to let me know you stopped by.

It's also Metamorphosis Monday with Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch. Click here to learn about the Lisa Leonard Designs give away she is offering.

It's time once again for Blue Monday with Smiling Sally. Last Monday I shared my small collection of French faïence in camïeue blue. ( If you missed it you can read about it here. ) So this week I decided I'd share photos of a collection of camïeue blue faïence that I visited a year ago. These pieces belong to my friend, Charna, who graciously agreed to let me share them on my blog. I don't k...