Monday, October 17, 2011

Barnyard Bash ~ French Style

Paper Maché Figures from French Artist, Aude Goalet

Just back from a month in France and trying to readjust to life in Texas.

With hundreds of photos to edit and organize

it will be awhile before I can share my adventures in the French countryside.

Instead I hope you enjoy something I posted last year on the Quimper Club Blog

for Lynne's Barnyard Bash.

~ Barnyard Bash French Style ~

8.5" Unmarked Manor House Plate

It's early morning at le mas, a typical french farm house.

8.75" Unmarked Soleil Plate

Le soleil rises over the hillside and . . .

11.5" HB Quimper Charger

The sound of Le coq is heard as he

announces a beautiful new day at le ferme.

HB-Henriot Hen on Nest

Mme poule is on her nest

ready to provide fresh eggs for the day.

7.75" Unmarked Deep Dish Plate

One can hear the swishing sound of birds as they

fly above the nearby pond, the elegant

cygne noir gracefully glides across the still water.

Pair of Figurals Marked Rouen Decor Fait Main

Young Juliet and Jean Pierre are up early for

their morning chores before they head off to school.

12" Malicorne Charger,
Pre-Lawsuit Mark of Reversed P & B

Monsieur looks across his land

with great pride as another day dawns.

Pig Bank Marked HB Quimper

Le porc can be heard

snorting about the barnyard.

8.25" Plate Marked HB Quimper

While the spat of deux coqs

echos through the barnyard.

Horse Figural Marked Rouen Decor Fait Main

Frisky chevaux galop

across the pasture in the morning dew.

Unmarked Desvres 3-Sided Tea Caddy

All is right in the world on this fine day.

Oil and Vinegar Server, First Mark Porquier-Beau

There is much work to be done in the fields

and vegetables to be gathered from the garden.

Goat Figural Double Salt Marked Gaetan Level

La chèvre helps carry the

load from the fields back to the barn.

10.75" Malicorne Charger Marked PBx

There is the walk into the village for the

morning market to sell some chickens and fresh eggs.

Unmarked Desvres 3-Sided Tea Caddy

And many chores for the

lady of the house before days end.

Reverse Side of Oil and Vinegar Server,
First Mark Porquier-Beau

Fresh water for cooking and washing is gathered

from the well as Monsieur heads to the house at day's end.

Cat Figural Marked AG

Of course every ferme has un chat.

HR Quimper Jardiniere

And at the end of the week there is

much singing and dancing to celebrate with a

A Barnyard Bash ~ French Style

9.5" Malicorne Plate Marked PBx

It was indeed a joyful trip to the French countryside,

full of laughter and good times shared with friends.

And of course a few bits and pieces

of French faience acquired along the way.


Paper Maché Figures from French Artist, Aude GoaletJust back from a month in France and trying to readjust to life in Texas.With hundreds of photos to edit and organize it will be awhile before I can share my adventures in the French countryside.Instead I hope you enjoy something I posted last year on the Quimper Club Blog for Lynne's Barnyard Bash.~ Barnyard Bash French Style ~8.5" Unmarked Mano...