Monday, January 16, 2017

January's Winter Delights


Unlike many of my friends, January is 
actually a favorite month for me.

We don't often have severe winters here in central Texas. 
In fact our winter days can be a roller coaster
of temperatures and weather patterns.

Some of Our Doggie Friends Enjoying a Recent Snowfall

While much of the country was covered in snow,
we only had to contend with frigid temps in the 20s.
The next week, we were back in the 70s.

Bruce and Pearl, Aix-en-Provence, France - Photo by Jeff Smith

I read that much of France is expecting an Arctic blast.
Though this image is from a previous French snowfall,
it's obvious my nephew's frisky Catahoulas love the snow.

Sadie, not so much!
Sadie is content to stay inside and play 
with her indoor snowman.

Most January days are simply cold and dreary here.
But, that's OK with me.
I love J a n u a r y!

I get to wear sweaters and 
wooly scarves.

Go to a movie, or .   .   .

Stay inside by a cozy fire
and read or stitch.

You'll find me on the sofa with a cup of hot tea while 
the chef sips on his mug of hot chocolate.

I get to celebrate my birthday in January, 
the birthdays of some dear friends,
and a great niece and nephew.

Yes, January 
is a favorite month.

Did you see the amazing Wolf Moon
shinning brightly in the dark winter sky?

Are you living among snowy scenes, 
out playing in the snow and enjoying the winter sports?

Or do you like to stay inside where 
it's warm and cozy?

Are you savoring 
the long winter days?

New England Winter on Cape Cod - Photo by John tenBroeke
Or, are you one of the eager
beavers longing for spring to arrive?

Tell me, are you a fan?
What do you like to do in January?
 Is January a favorite month for you?


J A N U A R Y Unlike many of my friends, January is  actually a favorite month for me. We don't often have severe winters here in central Texas.  In fact our winter days can be a roller coaster of temperatures and weather patterns. Some of Our Doggie Friends Enjoying a Recent Snowfall Chloe and Gracie @ Home is Where the Boat Is Chowdah and Chili @ Preppy Empty Nester...