Thursday, December 1, 2016

Traveling Totes # 9 ~ Autumn Fun

Welcome to 
Tales of the Traveling Totes # 9

We have enjoyed a gorgeous autumn here in Texas,

so before the rush of holiday activities begins,

the Courtly Check girls and I want to share 

some of the highlights of our autumn excursions.

Speaking of the holidays ~

I've already opened a Christmas gift!

This year, the Traveling Tote Girls 

planned an ornament exchange.

My package arrived weeks ago, but I waited until now to open it.

Isn't this Scottish Santa adorable?

Thank you, Linda @ More Fun Less Laundry.

You know me well.  This tartan loving girl is 

thrilled with this little charmer.

Our Christmas tree goes up soon, and my sparkly

jaunty Scottish Santa will be the first ornament on the tree.

Aren't surprises fun?

September had us on a jet plane headed to Kansas City

to attend the Annual Meeting of Quimper Club International.

The QCI Annual Meeting is always a much 

anticipated gathering of collectors of Quimper pottery 

who have become cherished friends.

In addition to our annual meeting, 

we enjoyed many special sights in Kansas City.

A short bus trip to Independence, MO took us for a visit 

I highly recommend all of these attractions 

if you plan a trip to Kansas City.

One of my favorite things to do in any new city

is to explore the antique stores.

in Prairie Village, KS was a great find.

300+ dealers in 50,000 square feet offered a treasure trove 

of interesting finds, including this booth that featured 

items from the estate of Charles Faudree.

View of Union Station and Downtown from Liberty Memorial

Kansas City is a sleeping jewel.

I think it's fair to say that I

left a bit of my heart in Kansas City!

You might recall that Miss Merri Mac and I 

visited my friend, Phyllis, this summer at her home on Cape Cod.

Phyllis was in Kansas City for the meeting and returned

with me to Austin to shop the fall Round Top Antique Markets.

Yes, we took this east coast girl to shop in the fields of Texas.

Free tickets and tees were an added bonus from Facebook.

Phyllis was impressed with antique shopping Texas style.

She found so many treasures that she commented

there was no reason to make a trip to 

Paris to shop the antique markets.

The Round Top Antique Market is top notch, 

and yes, the two of us have shopped the 

French markets many times together,

but I'm not ready to give up shopping trips to France!

October found us taking a day trip to nearby Seguin, TX

for a Garden Club visit to Gretchen Bee Ranch.

We learned much about the work of a bee keeper

and how the honey is harvested and processed for their shop.

Our New Members

Lunch followed at historic Fritz House

on the campus of Texas Lutheran University.

I was one of the hostesses and used my

collection of bee skep honey pots as the centerpiece.

For dessert, I made these cute little bee hive cakelets

using the Wilton pan and recipe for lemon honey cakes.

More shopping opportunities lured Miss Merri Mac 

and me to the annual Settlement Home Garage Sale.  

Lots of antique and vintage finds to tempt us.

Last on the calendar ~ the annual 

Junior League Christmas Affair.

With the theme Merry and Bright,

the booths sparkled with tempting goods

and tasty foods to help check off the Christmas shopping list.

We left the Christmas Affair in a festive mood,

ready to begin the holiday season.

Just in time for the holidays, the Traveling Tote girls

are giving away a beautiful MacKenzie-Childs tree ornament.

We will offer a MacKenzie-Childs giveaway 

with each of our next four posts.

Debbie @ Mountain Breaths

will host this month, and to be entered you must

leave a comment on Debbie's blog for a chance to win

the MacKenzie-Childs acorn ornament above.
To Visit Previous Miss Merri Mac Adventures

Just click on number links below. 

#1#2#3#4#5 # 6#7, #8, and also
hereherehere, and here.

Next Traveling Totes Adventures ~ March 1, 2017


Welcome to  Tales of the Traveling Totes # 9 We have enjoyed a gorgeous autumn here in Texas, so before the rush of holiday activities begins, the Courtly Check girls and I want to share  some of the highlights of our autumn excursions. Speaking of the holidays ~ I've already opened a Christmas gift! This year, the Traveling Tote Girls  planned an ornament exc...