Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Let's Dish ~ Springtime Simplicity

~ Springtime Simplicity ~

I shot the photo of this lovely table setting 

at Marburger Antiques this spring.

Such a simple idea, 

and so easy to replicate.

The random bottles

 could be filled with flowers,

but I rather like them empty 

with the occasional stopper added.

Did you notice that 

these stoppers are door knobs?

Place settings of 

vintage white china,

each piece a different pattern.

White linens with ruffles 

to flutter in the breeze,

and gauzy slips over the chairs 

make this table setting

Simplistically Stunning!


~ Springtime Simplicity ~ I shot the photo of this lovely table setting  at Marburger Antiques this spring. Such a simple idea,  and so easy to replicate. The random bottles  could be filled with flowers, but I rather like them empty  with the occasional stopper added. Did you notice that  these stoppers are door knobs? Place settings of  vi...