Monday, March 1, 2021

Tales of the Traveling Tote #26

~ Rabbit, Rabbit ~ 
Welcome March!

Welcome to the 26th edition of 
Tales of the Traveling Tote.
I live in Central Texas where the weather can cause you to break a sweat one day, and the next you are breaking out the sweaters.  
It's like a rollercoaster!

~ December Recap ~ 
You will find a look back at
December here and hear.  

January is my birth month, and I have to say the 18th was filled with lots of fun phone visits, a mailbox full of thoughtful cards,
and a few at the door visits.  

And a trip to Hill Country Galleria to meet up with our
MacKenzie-Childs loving friend, Pamela.
Miss Meri Mac and I were eager to try out a new French Bakery.

Lobster Shrimp Roll French Bun
FoliePop's is a French Pastry and Coffee House.
"FoliePop's is the home to never-seen customizable pastries 
and savories and signature recipes handcrafted with French excellence and savoir faire in the heart of Austin, Texas!"

Egg and Bacon Croissant
You pick your base, you pick your filling,
and you melt your cheese.
These petite savories are the perfect light lunch!

Madeleine with Lemon and a Pop of Caramel and
Red Velvet with Cremé Brulée and a Pop of Strawberry.
For the Folie Pop you pick your base, 
add your cremé, and top it off with a pop.

When ready to eat, you pop the Pop!
Yummy Goodness!

Kudos to Chef Antoine and Audrey
the creative duo behind this unique bakery.

You'll find a complete look at FoliePop's here.
Miss Meri Mac and I already have plans 
to visit again for Pamela's birthday.

January brings my favorite winter Antique Show. 
Miss Meri Mac and I rarely miss this show, 
and have been known to drive over in snowy conditions.  
Not so with COVID.  Still being cautious!

January also brought a winter snow!
You'll find a recap here and here.

When February arrived, there was a dire message from 
Punxsutawney Phil. "Winter was definitely not over!"

Texas plunged into historic freezing temps.  
Many across the state were without power and 
water for much of the duration. 

By Valentine's Day, we had more snow 
and record single digits for Austin. 

The unprecedented winter storm gripped the state of TX for over a week with snow and ice.  But we survived!  I began calling it the
"Frozen Tundra of Texas!"

Sadie was not a fan, 
and preferred to stay indoors.

For Miss Meri Mac and me, it was a unique adventure.

Be sure to visit all the adventures below.
Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 
Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch
Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron
Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda
 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box
Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 
Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul (You are here)
Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home
Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader
Cherry Kay and Carrie Ann Hall @ Entertaining Women  

A number of years ago, Patti @ Pandora's Box
painted a silver teapot for me with my favorite black and white.
I like to use it as a container for fresh cut flowers.
Though I filled it with anemones rather than tulips, 
it reminds me of our giveaway for this edition.
Scroll down to see.

Jackie @ Purple Chocolate Home is our hostess for the giveaway.
To be entered to win, stop by Jackie's blog and leave a comment.  
Be certain she has an email to contact.

Here's to spring and warmer 
adventures to share on June 1st.


~ Rabbit, Rabbit ~ Welcome March!Welcome to the 26th edition of Tales of the Traveling Tote.I live in Central Texas where the weather can cause you to break a sweat one day, and the next you are breaking out the sweaters.  It's like a rollercoaster!~ December Recap ~ You will find a look back atDecember here and hear.  January is my birth month, and I have to say the 18th was filled with lots of...