My Friend's Texas Longhorn Mount Decorated For The Season
Ho, Ho, Ho,
Store Window in Georgetown, Texas
It's Christmas in Texas,
or more specifically,
Christmas in Longhorn Country.
Unique Door Wreath In My Neighborhood
I'm joining my Texas blogging buddies for a
Christmas in Texas Blog Hop.
A Texas sized "Thank You" to our hostess,
Stacey @ Poofing the Pillows.
I'm honored to be included in this group of
talented Texas bloggers.
Looking Down To My Friend's Basement
We are still in the process of
decorating for Christmas here, so
I thought it would be fun to share some of the
more uniquely decorated homes of
my friends that live in and around Austin.
My Friend's Antler Tree
This antler tree certainly isn't for everyone,
but it makes a festive display downstairs in a friend's basement.
This mount is on the back porch of a Texas home.
Love the festive touch for Christmas.
Thanks, Erin, for sharing this image.
A Friend's Mantel
Another friend decorates the mount over her
fireplace with gold Christmas balls.
Friend's Breakfast Room
Her breakfast room table is set
with a Santa theme so her grandchildren
can enjoy meals and special treats with Santa.
Hand Decorated Cookies ~ Sweet Sugarbelle
Image Used With Permission
Speaking of treats for the grandchildren,
Sweet Sugarbelle of Lubbock, TX created these
darling Texas themed cookies specifically for the holiday season.
Sweet Sugarbelle - Image Used With Permission
She is one talented baker and generous blogger.
If you want to make your own cowboy snowmen,
you can find a complete tutorial here.
One of my favorite holiday traditions is Christmas stockings.
Ours are traditional stockings, but often one will see
cowboy boot stockings hung on a mantel here in Texas.
These are from North Pole West, a cowboy Christmas store.
The rope garland with barbed wire stars is very clever
and would be perfect for my friends who have ranches.
Boot Stockings Available Here
Texas Boot Stocking ~ Linda @ A La Carte
When my friend Linda @ A La Carte
read this post, she sent me a photo of her own boot stocking.
Though Linda now lives in Georgia, she was born in Texas.
She fills this stocking for her grandson every Christmas.
A Friend's Rusty Star Tree
A common sight in homes around Austin
is a metal tree from Mexico that holds candles.
Many of us bought these metal trees in
the 1990s and decorate them for the
different holidays throughout the year.
This one is decorated
with rusty stars.
Each one a tribute to
Texas, the Lone Star State.
"The stars at night are big and bright
Deep in the Heart of Texas"
Deep in the Heart of Texas, written by June Hershey in 1941,
is a popular song that elaborates on the merits of Texas.
The song is a favorite of Longhorn fans
played at pre-game performances
by the University of Texas Longhorn Band.
Friend's Needlepoint Ornaments
This grapevine tree features only
Texas themed needlepoint ornaments
lovingly stitched by a friend who lives in the Texas hill country.
"Deck them halls, y'all!" and the
cowboy Santa on the side chest let everyone
know this home celebrates Christmas Texas style.
Capitol of Texas Annual Christmas Ornaments
Beginning in 1996, an annual ornament representing the
Texas State Capitol has been produced and sold.
Each ornament, finished in 24k gold plate, is dated with the year.
These special ornaments are sold in the gift stores at the
You can read more about the Capitol ornaments here.
A friend who lives in an historic Texas home began collecting these
when she became a docent at the Texas Governor's Mansion.
She shares her beautiful collection on a
special tabletop tree in her entry hall.
Milagro Wreath
The same friend hangs this special milagro wreath on the door
to her husband's library. She adds a milagro
each year that represents something significant for their family.
Milagro in Spanish means surprise or miracle.
These religious folk art charms are traditionally used for healing.
Here in Texas, they are often used in jewelry or
ornamentation, such as on this wreath.
Christmas Tree 2015 ~ Texas Governor's Mansion
The main Christmas tree at the Texas Governor's Mansion
this year is decorated with a Texas theme in red, white, and blue.
Beautiful glass ornaments in the shape of the Texas flag
and bright stars are the standouts on this tree.
Texas Flag Glass Ornament
Each year a group of individuals are invited to help
decorate the Texas Governor's Mansion for the Christmas holidays.
The first lady of Texas selects the themes for the decorations.
The decorations this year are all about the proud
state of Texas and a festive nod to the hispanic heritage
of many in our state, including
First Lady of Texas, Cecelia Abbott.
Detail of Christmas Garland, Texas Governor's Mansion 2015
It was an honor and privilege to be included in the group this year.
Look for an upcoming post that will feature photos of each room
of the Governor's Mansion beautifully decorated for the holidays.
Texas Themed Ornaments
For those of you who live here in Texas or anyone
who wants to add a distinctive western theme to their own
Christmas tree, you can find the above ornaments in the gift store at
Bob Bullock Texas History Museum.
Austin, TX Skyline, Zilker Christmas Tree ~ Image Used With Permission
I hope each of you enjoyed the uniqueness of Christmas in Texas.
The holidays here are colorful and festive and reflect
the pride Texans have for the Lone Star State.
1950s Record Available Here ~ Image Used With Permission
" May your days be sunny and bright
May your hearts be happy and light
Merry Texas Christmas, You All"
Everyday this week a different
group of Texas bloggers will have a
special Christmas post to share.
Hop on over to the following to see what
these girls have created to share today.
Thanks, Stacey for all the organizing and leadership.
My Friend's Texas Longhorn Mount Decorated For The Season
Ho, Ho, Ho,
Store Window in Georgetown, Texas
It's Christmas in Texas,
or more specifically,
Christmas in Longhorn Country.
Unique Door Wreath In My Neighborhood
I'm joining my Texas blogging buddies for a
Christmas in Texas Blog Hop.
A Texas sized "Thank You" to our hostess,