Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year's Day ~ 2020

Welcome 2020 ~ A New Decade

~  January 1, 2020  ~

It's been 20 years since we ushered in the new millennium.
How I remember all the hullabaloo about Y2K
and the hysteria generated about fears of the "end of the world."
The "chef" and I usher in the new year quietly,
just the two of us here at home.
 We pop the cork on our favorite bubbly!

Then we make a toast to the New Year
and a few things we wish to happen.
  2020 ~ We wish for a healthy year ahead,
continued cherished times with family and friends,
and the completition of our remodel project.

And I wish each of you, my readers, 
a healthy, prosperous year ahead!

Cheers to each of you, or
as we say in Texas,

Cheers Y'all!

RABBIT, RABBIT! Welcome 2020 ~ A New Decade ~  January 1, 2020  ~ It's been 20 years since we ushered in the new millennium. How I remember all the hullabaloo about Y2K and the hysteria generated about fears of the "end of the world." The "chef" and I usher in the new year quietly, just the two of us here at home.  We pop the cork on our favorite bubbly! Then w...