Thursday, February 16, 2012

EMILY & EINSTEIN by Linda Francis Lee


A Novel of Second Chances

By Linda Francis Lee

Available here on Amazon

When I picked up a copy of this book at the library I was delighted at the prospect of reading this story. I mean really, just look at the cover ~ cute dog on a park bench beside a field of pink tulips. This had to be a wonderful read!

So I settled in on a Sunday morning for a day of pleasure reading, chocolate dogs near by to sweeten the moment. Knowing absolutely nothing about the author or the subject of this novel, I opened to the first page and read: "A week passed before I understood the enormity of my situation, a week before I realized I was dead."

Photo Courtesy of

I read the first chapter, then another, and another and began to think out loud, "This book is a bit too quirky. Do I really want to read about a dead man who continues to live within the body of a dog? Not to mention that the guy is a real JERK, full of himself and sarcastic about everything.

But I did read it, and recommend that you do too. I'm not going to give away the story, but let me just say that it touched my heart on many levels. It's poignant, engaging, and very clever. I often found myself laughing out loud, and with each turn of the page, Linda Frances Lee's skilled prose transported me back to many of my own favorite memories of living in the Big Apple. Yes, this book was a treat!

Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti


Days in the City

New York City's

Beauty at Night

Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti

The Historical Dakota

Its Intrigue &

Incredible Architecture

Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti

Walks in Central Park

Photo Courtesy of Museum Chick

Balto, the Alaskan Sled Dog

Photo Courtesy of © Cornelis Verwaal

Jogs Around the Reservoir

Photo Courtesy of © Cornelis Verwaal

New York Dog Walkers

Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti

Annual New York City Marathon

Photo Courtesy of My French Country Home

If you've ever had a dog in your life,

this book will likely amuse you.

It's a book of "second chances".

I'm glad I didn't give up on it and

gave it a well deserved second chance.

"I think most of us have moments in our lives that we would like to do over. While we can't get an actual "do over", I love the idea that we can get another chance to make things right, or find another chance to achieve a dream. Second chances are all about having hope, and its hope that gets us out of bed in the morning." ~ Linda Francis Lee

Click the links below for more

Food For Thought Reviews of


Photo Courtesy of Mille Fiori Favoriti

A very special thank you to the following photographers that allowed me use of their photos for this post.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~*****EMILY & EINSTEINA Novel of Second ChancesBy Linda Francis LeeAvailable here on AmazonWhen I picked up a copy of this book at the library I was delighted at the prospect of reading this story. I mean really, just look at the cover ~ cute dog on a park bench beside a field of pink tulips. This had to be a wonderful read!So I settled in on a Sunday morning for a day of pleasure read...