Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Old Man Winter is Back

News Flash and Update:

Since Thursday, we've gone from this . . .

To this.

What a difference a day makes
when Old Man Winter makes a visit.
Gives a whole new meaning to "Snow Bunny".

Today marks the first day of Chinese New Year, and despite the fact that it occurs in the midst of winter, it is also known as Spring Festival. Texas has been enjoying spring like weather for the past week, and I had planned a post for "The Year of the Rabbit" today,

BUT . . .

Old Man Winter came knocking at our door.

Suddenly we've gone from 70 to 17.

It's cold and blistery outside,
so come on in and join a different kind of party.

As Andy Warhol would say,
The snowmen are all excited to have their
"15 minutes of fame".

I've set a table for us on the sun porch
where we'll be warm and comfortable.

These cheerful fellows are so happy you have joined us today.

They've actually been patiently waiting
for their turn to be featured on a tablescape.

The cute little salad plates, designed by Williraye Studio, are called "Snowy Smiles". Can you see why I just had to have these? Yes, indeed! These little plates have a black and white check border.

To pull out the red and yellow colors of "Snowy Smilies" I used a yellow dinner plate for one setting and a red one for the other. The Courtly Check chargers mimic the border of the salad plates.

The snowmen thought these colorful glasses
with etched "snowballs" were a good choice,

Along with the "Treble Clef" flatware with its curled shape.

White winter berries ring the napkins which are edged in lace.

The delicate lace designs remind me of
the little snowflakes of the "Snowy Smiles" plates.

I layered various textiles to give the table a cozy feel.

A recent birthday gift, I've been eager to use these vintage tea towels which are large enough to use as table cloths on my small drop leaf table.

Both have fringed ends, and the largest of the two
has rows of red check details at either end.

The other has wonderful textural details and end borders of this red design.
A couple of friends, while shopping at Round Top last fall,
bought these with my birthday in mind.
They know me well ~ I couldn't be more thrilled!

Ironically, the beautiful little hand towels that I pulled into service as napkins were a gift from one of the same friends. Though after many years she's probably long forgotten she gave them to me.

I wanted you to feel warm and cozy, so I pulled in a couple of my French provencal pillows to use as chair cushions.

Layers of rich colors
highlighted with my favorite
black and white checks
warm my heart.

Even the snowmen are happy to be inside today.

So pull up a chair and join me
for a light lunch and a little conversation.

Suppose we talk of the early spring that
Punxsutawney Phil has predicted for this year.

We won't talk of the record snowfall that
has covered much of the country this winter.

Although snow does have its perks!

Please join me this Sunday for the
Tablescaper's Seasonal Sunday meme
for "The Year of the Rabbit".

The Snowmen will be joining the following memes.
Please click on the links below to visit.

News Flash and Update: Since Thursday, we've gone from this . . . To this. What a difference a day makes when Old Man Winter makes a visit. Gives a whole new meaning to "Snow Bunny". Today marks the first day of Chinese New Year, and despite the fact that it occurs in the midst of winter, it is also known as Spring Festival. Texas has been enjoying spri...