Monday, June 11, 2018

National Flag Week

This post was first published here in June 2014
and happens to be one of my favorite posts.
Like picking up a good book to read again, 
I find myself reposting this every two years,
Here it is again in honor of National Flag Week.  

Celebrating National Flag Week
Honoring the red, white, and blue.

Patriotic holidays and the colors of our country's flag
have always given me a sense of pride and happiness.
I'm proud to be American!
As an elementary teacher for 30 years,
patriotism was an important component
throughout the year's curriculum.
It wasn't an isolated unit, 
but rather a theme that was woven into
various activities and integrated across the curriculum.
I believe it is important to teach children respect 
for our country's flag and other patriotic symbols and .   .   .
That instilling patriotism at an early 
age enables young children to understand 
the responsibilities of good citizenship.
It makes my heart sing to drive 
through my neighborhood and .   .   .
See families proudly 
display the flag of our country.
It reminds me that the US is a country united, 
one of liberty and justice for all.




If you are an American,
pay tribute to our flag this week.
"She's A Grand Ole Flag"
Flag Day ~ June 14

All photos were taken by me and enhanced through the Waterlogue App.


This post was first published here in June 2014 and happens to be one of my favorite posts. Like picking up a good book to read again,  I find myself reposting this every two years, Here it is again in honor of National Flag Week.   Celebrating National Flag Week Honoring the red, white, and blue. Patriotic holidays and the colors of our country's flag have always...