Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Creepy, Crawly, Spooky Table

Hello, my lovelies.  

Welcome, I've been waiting for you.

The crows are gathering,

 a sure sign that the sun is setting

 and the darkness of night draws near.

What's that lurking up above?

Even the crows seem on alert.   .   .

Calling the alarm!

It's the red eyed black viper!

And other creepy, crawly things.


Dozens of spiders dangle and crawl about.

Creeping, crawling everywhere.

Spinning webs of fine black silk.   .   .

Waiting to capture their prey.

Old friends are here to greet you.

Pull up a chair and take a seat.

You can dine with Rex.   .   .

Or perhaps you'd 

rather feast with Leo.

Be cautious about what you say.

Phantoms are up above listening.

Eager to report your 

comings and goings.

To those who want to know.

Especially the Black Widow Lady!

Credit for this incredibly creative table

goes to my sweet friend, Rebecca.

Last week while visiting friends in San Antonio, 

Rebecca graciously allowed me to photograph 

her spooky tablescape to share here on HFTS.

Thank you, Rebecca!

Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits @ Stone Gable

A tip from Rebecca ~

 Set a special table just for the 

fun of it, and let it be part of your holiday decor.

Let's Dish @ Cuisine Kathleen
Tablescape Thursday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Open House Party @ No Minimalist Here
Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits @ Stone Gable
Pink Saturday @ How Sweet the Sound

Hello, my lovelies.   Welcome, I've been waiting for you. The crows are gathering,  a sure sign that the sun is setting  and the darkness of night draws near. What's that lurking up above? Even the crows seem on alert.   .   . Calling the alarm! It's the red eyed black viper! And other creepy, crawly things. E~E~E~K!...