Pink Peonies ~ Orange Tulips ~ Sunflowers
Welcome one and all!
Admittedly there isn't much pink to be found here at the moment, but orange, the color of fall, is definitely peeking out here and there. I so wanted to participate in this week's Pink Saturday so I'm taking a feng shui approach. Pink the yin is gentle and friendly, while orange, the yang, is energetic and passionate ~ a perfect balance.
The above photo is for all my sweet friends here for Pink Saturday and Shadow Shot Sunday. My friend, Jacqueline @ Purple Chocolate Home has a Pinkalicious Puerto Vallarta post to share this week. Be sure to stop by and give her a visit.
There's a little acorn fun to follow,
so please keep scrolling.
The squirrels are happy around here because there is a "joyful abundance" of acorns this year.
The critters are
scampering in from the right . . .
And from the left.
And for me, there has been a "joyful abundance" of Courtly Check that has come my way this fall. My sweet friend, Linda @ My Shabby Rose Cottage has been busy with the paint brush again, and I've been on the receiving end of her generosity. Just look at these cute little CC pumpkins she sent as a little Fall surprise.
But wait! That's not all.
Courtly Check acorns
have now arrived in abundance!
Acorns are one of my
favorites of the autumn season.
Add a few in Courtly Check, and
my heart really begins to sing.
That's not to say I don't still adore
these big ceramic acorns that I found
last year at Tuesday morning.
They have enhanced a bowl of horse apples
that you can see here as well as
last year's Thanksgiving table here.
This season I've mixed them in
with some real pumpkins in the wonderful
muted colors available this year.
I'm glad you dropped by today
because I've baked us some little spice cakelets
in the acorn pan I picked up last year at William Sonoma.
They are filled with a cream cheese
icing and dipped in brown sugar crystals.
These beautiful acorn napkins were
a little "thank you" gift from our favorite house guest.
They are the perfect accent for
our tray of acorn cakelets.
Acorn leaves on
the silver pastry server,
A few little fallen
acorns from the trees,
Along with a few little
glittered acorns scattered about.
All set the stage for this vintage teapot
in Furnivals Brown Quail pattern.
introduced me to this charming pattern.
A visit to Donna's cottage is always a treat.
See that little acorn finial.
That and those sweet puffy quail
are what enticed me to find one of these.
Our hot steeping tea fills the teapot, marked 1913.
It's waiting for us on a vintage hand carved butter dish
inset with a transfer ware plate in the
Blue Willow pattern, a little souvenir from my
first visit to London's Portobello Road.
So pull up a chair by the fire
and join me for a cup of hot tea and
one of the little acorn cakelets.
Pink Peonies ~ Orange Tulips ~ Sunflowers
Welcome one and all!
Admittedly there isn't much pink to be found here at the moment, but orange, the color of fall, is definitely peeking out here and there. I so wanted to participate in this week's Pink Saturday so I'm taking a feng shui approach. Pink the yin is gentle and friendly, while orange, the yang, is energetic and passionate ~ a pe...