Wednesday, January 27, 2010

B is for Beau

B is for Beau's Birthday!

beau- (boa) beautiful, fair, pretty, lovely, handsome

Welcome to Alphabe-Thursday. You're just in time for the Birthday party.
Beau's first Birthday just happens to coincide with Alphabe-Thursday's B post so his grand auntie decided to have a party.

We have Birthday cake . . .

Blue Balloons . . .

and Bottles of Bubbles for everyone!

So come on in and join this Beautiful Baby Boy's Birthday Party!

The guests have already started to celebrate.

This would be Bruce.

He's always the first to arrive when there are crumbs to be had.

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Beau,
Happy Birthday to you!

Make a wish and Blow out the candle!

Hooray Beau is ONE!

Happy Birthday, sweet Big Boy!

Here is a quick recap of Beau's First Year.

Last year on this day the Birthday Boy was a new Born Baby.

Now he is a Big Boy working out with Barbells.

Baby Beau would Bag a few zzzzzz on Buses.

But these days Big Boy Beau is Busy on Bus rides.

You can see the Birthday Boy is good at multi-tasking as he sits in a Box, on a Blue Blanket, reading a Book,while juggling Blue balls. Ah, yes, he is Brilliant and Bilingual! Did you notice that he is learning to read in French?

This Boy in Blue has seen the sights.

He's Braved new heights.

He has Basked on the Beach.

He's let Bubbles tickle his feet.

Some even think he looks a bit like Brad!

Yes, Beau has even flown high into the Blue skies across the Blue Atlantic while riding in this Blue Basket on his first trip to the United States.

I know it appears that I'm working on a baby theme for my Alphabe-Thursday posts, but the first two Thursdays just happened to coincide with Annabelle's birth and Beau's Birthday. I promise next week will be C is for Change, the royal Courtly type. Until then, stop by to see me on Saturday for different kind of B related post. I'm participating in Jain's Food for Thought with a book review on THE MANY LIVES & SECRET SORROWS OF JOSEPHINE B., the first in Sandra Gulland's trilogy of Josephine Bonaparte. Hope to see you then. In the meantime, click here to see Jenny Matlock's list of more Alphabe-Thursday participants.

Thanks for joining me today. Oh, and don't forget to take your party favor!

B is for Beau's Birthday!beau- (boa) beautiful, fair, pretty, lovely, handsomeWelcome to Alphabe-Thursday. You're just in time for the Birthday party.Beau's first Birthday just happens to coincide with Alphabe-Thursday's B post so his grand auntie decided to have a party. We have Birthday cake . . .Blue Balloons . . .and Bottles of Bubbles for everyone!So come on in and join this Beautiful Baby B...