Friday, January 8, 2010

Lina's Coco Couture

Want to know what's in this pretty pink box?

It's this incredible life size stiletto made of imported Belgium chocolate and filled with the most delicious gourmet chocolates handcrafted by Lina of Lina's Coco Couture.

Lina is a registered architect in the state of Texas and a partner in the firm Studio H+L. She started her business as a chocolatier after studying at the French Pastry School in Chicago in 2005. Her architectural design skills have easily transfered to creating her contemporary chocolates which are filled with a variety of interesting ingredients from spicy mango with basil to a blend of blue cheese and dark chocolate. Lina recently sampled her chocolate confections at Gallery Shoal Creek.

Here is Lina with one of her custom chocolate necklaces.

Lina has a line of custom creations from shoes to necklaces, to boxes. Each edible and filled with her individual bonbons.

This is one of her small stilettos which is solid chocolate.

In addition to the custom pieces, Lina's Coco Couture offers individual 2 piece to 12 piece boxes filled with your choice of bonbons.

If you click on the above photo it will enlarge so you can read what varieties are in this box of 12.

Look at this! Lucky me found one of Lina's Coco Couture's pink boxes sitting in my desk chair on Christmas morning. That Santa Claus is a special guy!

Want to see what came in my pink box?

It was a beautiful chocolate box with this snowflake medallion and . . .

filled with four special bonbons inside. The blue is coffee amertto, the red is raspberry framboise, the leaf is candied orange and almond grand marnier, and the yellow is spicy mango with basil.

Lina's Coco Couture is a unique spot for fine chocolates. Be sure to visit her site here. You just might find the perfect gift for your Valentine!

Thanks for joining me today for Pink Saturday hosted by our ever faithful Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound where you will find a list of others participating in today's Pink Saturday. One such site will be Mary @ Across the Pond. Click here to see her post from last week spotlighting delightful pinks found in NYC. You won't be disappointed. But before you head off, I'd be ever so grateful if you left me a comment today.

Want to know what's in this pretty pink box?It's this incredible life size stiletto made of imported Belgium chocolate and filled with the most delicious gourmet chocolates handcrafted by Lina of Lina's Coco Couture.Lina is a registered architect in the state of Texas and a partner in the firm Studio H+L. She started her business as a chocolatier after studying at the French Pastry School in Chi...