Friday, April 22, 2011

Bunny Crossing

Each spring bunnies begin 

to hop about here at HFTS.


welcomes them with open arms.

Have you noticed that burlap is

all the rage around Blogville these days?

I spread a length of burlap across the dining room

buffet, filled a vase with spring flowers, and . . .

before long, bunnies had settled in.

It all started with this guy

causally sitting beneath the flowers.

Sisal hopped into my life a few months ago.

He was a birthday gift from a friend.

Did you notice he likes to dress in Courtly Checks?

Come a little closer, 

and I'll introduce you.

Wallace is an rather old rabbit.

They say the average lifespan of a rabbit kept indoors

is 9-12 years, but he's been around a lot longer than that.

Basil has lived here for many years too.

Remember the winter of the

Government Shutdown in 1995-1996?

The "chef" and I had planned to vacation in DC over the holidays, but with little to see and do in Washington that week, we scurried out of town over to nearby Annapolis. I happened upon the work of local folk artist Natalie Silitch. Basil and the cute Mother Bunny and baby hopped right in my bag and flew back to Texas that winter. If you are interested in the work Natalie is doing now, you can visit her web site here.

Brambles is just a mere 2 " tall.

Cecil is a long ago needlepoint project.

He's still trying to learn to tie a pretty bow.

Homer is the new guy on the block.

He's filled his tummy with jelly beans,

but he's always ready to share with friends.

Sweet, shy Honey is the work 

of artist Nicol Sayre, 2006.

With so many bunnies hopping about, I quickly fixed

a bed of burlap on a large tray to corral the others.

Harvey is a tall good looking

guy capable of transporting huge baskets.

His sister Lulu is dainty and likes to

carry her eggs in a pack on her back.

Kipper is a dapper gentlemen

by ESC Trading Co. in 2002.

Rain or shine, he'll always

greet you with a fresh bouquet.

Priscilla, the work of Dee Foust,

is a fancy girl who likes glitter and shine.

Muffy likes to hop about the garden

filling her basket with colorful blooms.

Nibbler is from 

the House of Hatten.

Jessie and Jake 

are a serious pair.

Nutmeg frequently entertains

the group with her stick puppet.

She was born in the studio of artist Debbee Thibault.

You can visit Debbee's site here.

You'll find Oscar riding his

three wheeler out on the sun porch.

While Oliver is galloping about

the daisies on his pet rooster.

Fluffy is snuggled in among the

eggs on the living room mantel.

Morning Glory and Twitter

are hiding nearby among the flowers.

Morning Glory 

has the sweetest little face!

And we can't forget 

the Bluette Sisters.

A bit of Bunny Advice before you hop off.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Everyone needs a friend who is all ears

Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day

Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits

Author Unknown

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Each spring bunnies begin  to hop about here at HFTS. Hyacinth welcomes them with open arms. Have you noticed that burlap is all the rage around Blogville these days? I spread a length of burlap across the dining room buffet, filled a vase with spring flowers, and . . . before long, bunnies had settled in. It all started with this guy...