Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas

It was the Victorians who began a resurgence of an interest in Christmas, and many of the traditions of that period are reflected in the way we celebrate the season today. With a mix of old customs and new ones, this holiday has became a festival of good cheer and goodwill to others.

With a chill in the air and a cozy fire to keep me warm, I'll be busy this week putting up our little forest of trees around our home and adding other seasonal decor to honor this holiday. I don't have the house decorated yet, but I wanted to join in the seasonal blog parties happening today. I'm linking my Victorian inspired vignette to Deck The Halls with Susan @ BNOTP, Christmas with Victoria with Kathy @ Delightsome Life, and Tabletop Tuesday with Marty @ ASTL. I hope you'll stop by these blogs to see all the holiday inspiration everyone has to share today.

It was the Victorians who began a resurgence of an interest in Christmas, and many of the traditions of that period are reflected in the way we celebrate the season today. With a mix of old customs and new ones, this holiday has became a festival of good cheer and goodwill to others. With a chill in the air and a cozy fire to keep me warm, I'll be busy this week putting up our little forest of...

The Magic of Christmas ~ A Box Made with Heart

~ For Christmas Give Your Heart~
Mary Engelbreit Christmas Plate
by Applause Inc.

Debby @ The Cozy Blanket put together a Christmas box exchange, and I was paired with my sweet friend, The Cherry Chick. Vicki and I exchanged emails and decided to mail our boxes off to each other last week. She should have her box by Tuesday, but my box from Vicki arrived in Saturday's mail. It is a "gift made with heart!"

Look at this sweet little box that Vicki created just for me. "The Magic of Christmas" with its black and white checked ribbon, jolly old St. Nick, red gingham, and hearts.

Packed inside were some sweet surprises ~ Mary Engelbreit goodies!


These darling cherry earrings ~ made by the very talented Cherry Chick! Oh, I'm going to love wearing these!

I do believe that this sweet gift made with heart will find a special spot under our Christmas tree for years to come.

Thank you, Cherry Chick,

and thank you, Debby, for organizing this fun exchange.

Click here to see what others are sharing for M. E. Monday this week.

~ For Christmas Give Your Heart~Mary Engelbreit Christmas Plate by Applause Inc.Debby @ The Cozy Blanket put together a Christmas box exchange, and I was paired with my sweet friend, The Cherry Chick. Vicki and I exchanged emails and decided to mail our boxes off to each other last week. She should have her box by Tuesday, but my box from Vicki arrived in Saturday's mail. It is a "gift made with...