Sunday, December 27, 2009

MacKenzie-Childs Christmas 2009

It's the Monday after Christmas, and if you are like me you are now enjoying some leisure time. All the preparations leading up to Christmas are fun but a little exhausting. Most days I had little time left for visiting friends in Blogville or leaving a post myself. I'm new to the world of Blog, so today I took some time reading older posts on some of my favorite blogs and hope to do more of that throughout the week ahead. Thank you to all my new found friends in Blogville. You are an amazing group of talented people. I find myself filled with inspiration after I visit you.

MacKenzie-Childs, West 57th NYC - Christmas 2009

I'm a long time fan of MacKenzie-Childs. When my husband and I had an apartment in NYC for a few years, trips to the MacKenzie-Childs store on West 57th was one of my favorite destinations. It's a magical place full of whimsy, and if you find yourself in NYC I recommend a visit.

One of my close friends took her 3 daughters to NY for a week in November. Her trip happened to coincide with the MacKenzie-Childs NY store's opening party for the Christmas season. She didn't attend the party, but went by to shop and take some photos just for me. Thought I'd share them with you today for Mosaic Monday with Mary @ Little Red House where you can see some amazing photo mosaics.

It's the Monday after Christmas, and if you are like me you are now enjoying some leisure time. All the preparations leading up to Christmas are fun but a little exhausting. Most days I had little time left for visiting friends in Blogville or leaving a post myself. I'm new to the world of Blog, so today I took some time reading older posts on some of my favorite blogs and hope to do more of th...