~Pink Saturday~
~A Few of My Favorite Things~
~Silver Sunday~
~Summer Sunday~
~Three or More Tuesday~
Oh, for the lazy days of summer . . . the perfect time to steal away to visit those friends and family who live miles away . . . and the perfect opportunity to explore new territory, ie ~ Antique Shops.
A recent trip to visit my sister was just that and yielded some Silver Sunday finds in time for Beth's Silver Sunday Giveaway Post. Be certain to stop by The Gypsy Fish Journal , put your name in the drawing, and then add a Silver Sunday post of your own.

Seems I always find some silver plate treasures when my sister takes me to her favorite shops. Each of these were thrifty finds black with tarnish, but just look at the lovely details once I polished them.
The beautiful unmarked basket vase stands 16" tall.
It is perfect for these delicate Stargazer Lilies and has the most wonderful details . . .
Like this basket full of flowers that is featured on the curved handle . . .
And this wide lacy edge that dips gracefully around the open cavity that holds the blooms.
Trays are a favored accessory here at HFTS, so I was all smiles when I picked up two different oval gallery trays. The larger one has detailed pierced sides with a fluted edging and . . .
Beautiful intricate engraved details that cover the entire surface.
It will be perfect to move about for various things, like this silver fern pot that is currently home to a gorgeous pale pink hydrangea.
Just look at these delicate little blooms!
The smaller gallery tray is just the right size for my petite fern pot that holds an African violet that will be covered with little pink flowers in its next bloom cycle.
The rim edge on this tray is simple, but the sides have a wonderful open work design.
And finally there was this bride's basket marked MF'D & Plated RV Reed & Barton 4740. It's doing duty in the kitchen at the moment, but will be useful for all sorts of things. No doubt it is the oldest of the items I found this trip. If anyone can help date it, please let me know.
The double handle features a central ball and a little tassel half way down on each side.
The rim edge is a stylized leaf design, and the footed base is full of charm.
This one just might be my favorite!

I hope the remaining days of summer offer up
some special time for you with your family,
and a perhaps a chance to explore new territory!
Click here for details on the Celebration Giveback @ HFTS
Thank you to each of the ladies hosting the following memes:
~Pink Saturday~~A Few of My Favorite Things~~Silver Sunday~~Summer Sunday~~Three or More Tuesday~Oh, for the lazy days of summer . . . the perfect time to steal away to visit those friends and family who live miles away . . . and the perfect opportunity to explore new territory, ie ~ Antique Shops.A recent trip to visit my sister was just that and yielded some Silver Sunday finds in time for Bet...