~ Friendships ~
Friendships shared through the years.
Friendships shared across the miles.
Gifts that I treasure every day of my life.
Be it friends that are physically in my life or
the many dear friends I've made throughout Blogville,
Each one is a treasure!
A long time dear friend recently celebrated a birthday,
so a few of us gathered here for a birthday lunch in her honor.
Christmas colors and a touch of tartan seemed a fitting theme.
Glenn Plaid Crystal
by Ralph Lauren
Vintage Linens With a Holly Motif
and Gorgeous Hand Stitched Monogram
Chocolate Trees Offer A Take Home Treat
Gift Boxes of Tea Forte
Serve as Place Cards for Guests
Simple Place Settings
~ Menu ~
Green Chili Chicken Soup
Green Salad
Italian Cream Birthday Cake
Centerpiece of Red Begonia
and Boxwood Topiaries
Silver Tray of Fresh Greens
Antique Chocolate Santa Molds
Faux Chocolate Santa Figures
A Touch of Tartan
Vintage Tartanware Napkin Rings
Old World Santa Figures
Faux Chocolate Santa Figures
Found at Timeless Charm
They were obviously produced
from antique chocolate molds
much like the ones on my tray.
A Basket of Seasonal Greens
A Table Set to Honor
A Circle of Friends
Tutorials, Tips, and Tidbits @ Stone Gable
When setting a table for guests I like to include a little take home treat. In this case, it was a chocolate tree served up in the soup bowl. I placed each tree on a nest of green paper so they could be easily transferred to the table when soup is served.
~ Friendships ~
Friendships shared through the years.
Friendships shared across the miles.
Gifts that I treasure every day of my life.
Be it friends that are physically in my life or
the many dear friends I've made throughout Blogville,
Each one is a treasure!
A long time dear friend recently celebrated a birthday,
so a few of us gathered here for a bi...