Wednesday, March 11, 2015

It's All About the Shamrocks

"Céad mile failte"

A hundred thousand welcomes!

It's time for Kathleen's 

Annual St. Patrick's Day 

Blog Crawl

May good luck be with you 
wherever you go and your blessings 
outnumber the shamrocks that grow.

I was the lucky one to receive the traveling Irish topper!

If you don't know the history of this vintage cloth full of 
shamrocks and Celtic knots, Marigene @ In the Middle of Nowhere 
first sent it to Kathleen @ Cuisine Kathleen with the stipulation 
that it be passed on to another blogger for the following year.  
Kathleen passed it along to Rett@ The Gazebo House , 
who then sent it on to Mary @ Home is Where The Boat Is.  

Only the leprechauns know 

where it goes next year!

To continue my good luck I bought a shamrock

plant to fill a favorite vintage ironstone sugar bowl.

I had a bit of good luck when I found this piece while

shopping the fields at the Round Top Antique Shows.

It was missing its lid, but I didn't mind.

Just look at the details on this beauty!

I fixed a special 

tray to help us celebrate.

Used a favorite Lucky Four Leaf Clover napkin

with vintage mother of pearl and silver flatware and . . .

Shamrock linens to join the

traveling vintage Irish topper.

A stack of green!

says, "Stack, stack, stack!"

A stack of beautiful plates makes 

for an interesting placesetting.

Clockwise above, 

~ Ambiance Vintage Garden Charger ~

~ Bordallo Pinheiro Cabbage Leaf Charger ~

~ Bordallo Pinheiro Dinner ~

~ Wedgwood Napoleon Ivy Salad ~

How about a mug of Irish coffee 

made with Bushmills' Irish Whiskey?

I topped it with sweet whipped cream

and green sugar crystals.

What have we here?

I think the leprechauns 

have made us a special treat.

A cake of rich, dark chocolate 

with a cherry on top!

Our Sadie girl wants to tell you 

about our new Courtly Check tote.

We call her Miss CC.  We will join 

Pattie @ Pandora's Box along with a group of others

who have their own Courtly Check tote.

You can read about The Traveling Totes here.

Unlike the Traveling Irish Topper, Miss CC won't be traveling 

to other blogs, but you can follow along as 

Sadie and I take Miss CC on adventures.

Long live the Irish, 

Long live our cheer, 

Long live our friendship year after year.

It's all about the shamrocks, 

so put on some green and join in the fun.

Cuisine Kathleen's 

St. Patrick's Day Blog Crawl

Also joining

"Céad mile failte" A hundred thousand welcomes! It's time for Kathleen's  Annual St. Patrick's Day  Blog Crawl May good luck be with you  wherever you go and your blessings  outnumber the shamrocks that grow. I was the lucky one to receive the traveling Irish topper! If you don't know the history of this vintage cloth full of  shamrocks and Celtic knots...