Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Summer Blooms at Lazy Day Farms

It's mid July, and yes, I'm feeling lazy.

The Mad Tea Parties are scheduled for July 23rd,

but alas I've not set a table for this year's party.

Too hot to be outside, and life has filled

my schedule with other things.

Instead, I reached into my photo files while in the

comfort of my air conditioned home and pulled up this rather fun  

 Lazy Day Farms table to share this week. 

I spied it last April in a booth at Marburger Farm.

This charming table was created by the very talented,

Marsha Smith of Cottonseed Trading Company

out of Jacksonville, AL.

The chippy white table with wooden folding chairs

looked right at home on the wood chip floor.

I admit, I was extremely tempted to snatch up

this vintage Lazy Day Farms truck.

It made such an adorable plant container!

I frequently wear a straw hat during the heat of summer.

As cute as these were, I already have plenty of my own,

but don't they add an adorable touch to this setting?

Rusty, vintage garden tools also appealed to this gardener,

even if they were past their prime for actual gardening duties.

Wouldn't it be fun to use these to decorate a potting shed?

I thought the vintage floral hankies tied

on the rusty tools were the perfect touch to soften 

each of these simple place settings.

Each of the ironstone shallow bowls featured a darling

floral pincushion made from vintage quilt squares.

Lucky I snapped the photo when I did because

a buyer was ready to scoop these up to purchase.

Stems of carnations added both height and more color.

How simple to just pop a few stems in a vintage milk bottle.

A soft pillow in the wooden chair offered up a

bit of comfort as well as loads of charm 

with its vintage seed packet motif.

Between the pillow and this vintage seed package display nearby,

it's no wonder that my mind drifted to thoughts 

of one of my favorite summer bloomers

as I looked back on this garden themed table.

Each summer zinnias have offered a burst of 

bright color to many summer gardens.

In my garden I have mixed zinnias among Dusty Miller,

 a silvery lace-like plant that grows here year round.

Both frost and drought tolerant, with a soft furry texture, 

I like the nice compliment to the bright colors.

Zinnias make excellent cut flowers

with their vibrant blooms and strong stems.

Cut a bouquet of zinnias, pop them into a favorite container,

and straightaway you have a burst of summer 

color to enjoy in your home.

According to the LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS,

Zinnias are symbolic of "thoughts of an absent friend."

I like that thought!

Though I'll be absent as a party participant this year,

 I look forward to all the fun that awaits.

Vanessa's ~ A Fanciful Twist 


Previous Mad Tea Parties @ Hyacinths for the Soul 



It's mid July, and yes, I'm feeling lazy. The Mad Tea Parties are scheduled for July 23rd, but alas I've not set a table for this year's party. Too hot to be outside, and life has filled my schedule with other things. Instead, I reached into my photo files while in the comfort of my air conditioned home and pulled up this rather fun    Lazy Day Farms table to s...