Pink Toile Delight
a Haiku
by Hyacinth
Shimmering sparkles,
Graceful bauble of pink toile
Thoughts of sweet Jacque.
October, 2009
The above handmade ornament arrived in this pink box no less! Jacque @ Campagne Maison sent me the lovely pink toile ornament which she crafted along with a very special table topper that she pieced and quilted from beautiful fabric with both roosters and sunflowers. You can read about this gift here at my Tablescape Thursday post this week. I have to say, Jacque, is a talented and extremely thoughtful friend. I so appreciate her PIF gift that was made with such thought and care. Thank you, Jacque!
This pink box of joy was Jacque's Pay It Forward gift to me. You can click on the photo below to read the lovely note she included. It's even on pink paper!
As per Jacque's instructions for playing the Pay It Forward game, I'm to send a gift box to three who leave comments on my blog. The first two have already been selected form the Tablescape Thursday post this week, but I've saved the third for today's Pink Saturday post. So if you are the first one to leave a comment today....Tag, you're it! To play, you have to have a blog of your own so I can see what kind of things you like, though I can't promise that the gift will be a handmade item. Also, be sure to tell me if you want to participate. 
I'm always thrilled to have you visit and very much appreciate your comments. I read each one and promise to respond to any questions. I've met so many nice people though the comments. Thank you for visiting!
Be certain to click here to go to Beverly's @ How Sweet the Sound for a list of other participating in Pink Saturday.
Happy Pink Saturday to All!
Pink Toile Delight a Haiku by Hyacinth Shimmering sparkles, Graceful bauble of pink toile Thoughts of sweet Jacque. October, 2009The above handmade ornament arrived in this pink box no less! Jacque @ Campagne Maison sent me the lovely pink toile ornament which she crafted along with a very special table topper that she pieced and quilted from beautiful fabric with both roosters a...