Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Grateful Heart

Gratitude ~ the quality of being thankful; 
the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Welcome Friends!

It's quiet at our home
this Thanksgiving holiday.

Typically we host a Thanksgiving meal here in our home with
friends who may not have family with whom to celebrate.

This year we will join friends in their
home for a small Thanksgiving celebration.

The weather in recent weeks has given me
cause to be grateful for a perfect Autumn with 
sunny skies and crisp cool days.

Just enough chill in the air to cozy
up by a fire with hot tea
in the late afternoon.

~ Autumn ~
A time to savor and appreciate the 
rich spectrum of seasonal colors    .   .   .

To relish morning walks along a creekside 
as water flows from recent rains   .   .   .

To bask in the beauty of Mother Nature's
change in the seasons   .   .   .

To huddle in the warmth of a favorite sweater
and snuggle up with out sweet Sadie girl   .   .   .

To reflect on the gratitude one feels for   
the many blessings of our lives.

For our blessings  
are plentiful!

We've abundant  
food on our table   .   .   .

A warm home to
shelter us day and night   .   .   .

And beauty can be found
all around us.

I'm especially grateful for the good health and love
of my wonderful family and friends,
and for each of you who visit and comment here at
Hyacinths for the Soul.

2014 has been a year of final
good-byes to several women close to my heart.

At times sadness rushes over me, but even with death, we can
choose to be grateful. I want to cherish each special memory,
to honor these amazing women and feel grateful for the beautiful
 life each led, the incredible legacy each left behind, and
especially so for the love and friendship we shared.

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it 
is like wrapping a present and not giving it."
                                              William Arthur Ward

Research shows it is helpful and important to make 
an ongoing list of the things for which one is grateful.

On this Day of Thanksgiving, I thank you 
for allowing me to share a grateful heart.

"Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way."
                                                              Native American Saying

Gratitude ~ the quality of being thankful;  the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Welcome Friends! It's quiet at our home this Thanksgiving holiday. Typically we host a Thanksgiving meal here in our home with friends who may not have family with whom to celebrate. This year we will join friends in their home for a small Thanksgiving celeb...