Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Art of the Picnic

~ Picnics ~

June 18th is designated as International Picnic Day.

PICNIC, by Jane Pettigrew, was a lucky find on the sale

cart of donated books at our local branch library.

It is a fun read and a perfect fit for this 

girl who loves a good picnic. 

Filled with both charming illustrations and beautiful photos,

the author covers everything from the history of picnics, 

to setting the scene for one's own picnics with inspiration photos, 

as well as including wonderful recipes perfect for a picnic basket.

I adore the simple pleasures of alfresco dining,

and through the years, I have admired many 

of my blogging friends' picnic posts.

To offer up some inspiration and charm,

I've selected some choice picnic ideas to share here.

You can click on the individual links to view the post in full.

From E´douard Manet's iconic painting of a bourgeois picnic, 

Luncheon on the Grass, to Claude Monet's

more typical picnic scene in his, Luncheon on the Grass, 

forays to the countryside with alfresco dining in mind

have long been popular in both art and life.

For all the years we sailed our Hyacinths on Lake Travis,

our sailing forays most always included a picnic on board.

I admit our picnics on the lake were not as

creative and colorful as these of my blogging friends,

but they were delicious and a welcomed 

addition to a day of sailing.

Picnics and summertime seem to go hand-in-hand,

and the fourth of July is a perfect excuse for a patriotic picnic.

Watermelon and hot dogs ~

the perfect summer picnic fare.

The crisp fall days of autumn invite us to 

pack a basket and head out among the falling leaves.

A little impromptu picnic is always a good thing,

especially if it's in the beautiful countryside of Normandy, France.

Even a gaggle of witches can be found 

enjoying a picnic before flight on Halloween Night.

From tartan lined basket to a picnic spread atop her 

colorful tartan blanket, Michael Lee

has set the stage for a lovely riverside luncheon.

Meadow Picnic @ Home is Where the Boat Is

Mary chose this grassy meadow

 for her picnic outing.

One can do as Anita did here and set up a makeshift 

tent to escape the hot Texas sun .   .   .

Or simply spread a quilt under a shade tree.

Either way, Anita has the right idea for relaxing with

a cool lemonade and a stack of good books.

Linda's French inspired picnic 

is enjoyed on a grassy lawn where she 

found the perfect spot for some plein air painting.

If there is a picnic table available,

spread a pretty cloth and set the table in style.

Linda's Butterfly Garden MacKenzie-Childs enamel ware 

are perfect dishes for carting to a picnic.

Patti @ Pandora's Box

Patti, on the other hand, took her MacKenzie-Childs

enamel ware to the beach for a picnic on the sand.

A Perfect Day for a Picnic @ A Quiet Life

Planning ahead with a bit of entertainment is

a good idea ~ kites, bikes, croquet, frisbee.

A Friend's Daughter ~ Jen Schow Photogrphy
Used With Permission

Real or make believe, a picnic is a 

delightful way to entertain children outdoors.

And we all know that Teddy Bears

are known to enjoy a good picnic.

A Ride With the Picnic Cookbook @ A Quiet Life

Pack a picnic basket, grab a blanket or quilt,

and head off to your favorite picnic spot to enjoy

the pleasures of dining outdoors on a perfect day.

Ben Watching the Tartan Parade @ Normandy Life

"A picnic is more than eating a meal,
it's a pleasurable state of mind."
~ DeeDee Stovel, Picnic


~ Picnics ~ June 18th is designated as International Picnic Day. PICNIC, by Jane Pettigrew, was a lucky find on the sale cart of donated books at our local branch library. It is a fun read and a perfect fit for this  girl who loves a good picnic.  Filled with both charming illustrations and beautiful photos, the author covers everything from the history of picn...