Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Owl Always Be With You!

If ever there is tomorrow 
when we're not together,
there is something you
 must always remember.  
You are braver than you believe, 
stronger than you seem, 
and smarter than you think, 
but the most important thing is,
 even if we're apart...
I'll always be with you.
                                                      Winnie the Pooh

~ Happy 99th Birthday, Mother ~

Well over a hundred years old, 
this oak table now sits in my sister's dining room.
As a little girl, my sweet mother and her siblings spent many hours 
playing under their family's oak table.

My sister and I played under this table too.
Little girls pretending or dressing paper dolls.
Oh the stories these old legs could tell 
of family meals through the years
and children at play beneath these old table legs. 

Four generations later, little ones still delight in the magic
beneath the big old square oak table that has been in our family 
all these many years.

In honor of my mother's October birthday, I created a mini
 tablescape on this family heirloom to celebrate the occasion.

A single setting for the
wise matriarch of our family.

Black and White
With Orange Delights

A Wise Ole Owl
Touch of Plaid ~ Dots ~ Stripes

Paisley Ringed 
in Rattan

Checkered Bows
Round the Stand

This cleverly painted lazy Susan sits atop
the old oak table during the month of October.
Last fall at the annual 
Round Top Antique Market Days,
I came upon a booth full of vintage items
embellished with seasonal decor.

My sister has the collector gene too.
I collect dishes; she vintage 
wooden kitchen items.

I knew she would appreciate 
a few of these charming pieces.

Rolling Pin ~ Pestle
All you DIY girls  
take note of these cute ideas.

Join me Friday for all the details about
the edible centerpiece of this tablescape.

Foodie Friday  
@ Rattlebridge Farm

You're sure to smile
with delight at how easy it all is. 

If ever there is tomorrow  when we're not together, there is something you  must always remember.   You are braver than you believe,  stronger than you seem,  and smarter than you think,  but the most important thing is,  even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.                                                       Winnie the Pooh ~ Happy 99th Birthday, Mother ~...