Monday, August 1, 2016

Where's My Tote?

Where's My Tote?

Leave a comment or send an email with 

your best guess of where this photo was taken.  

One Winner will be chosen from all correct entries received

 by the Traveling Tote Blog Group  by August 9th. 

 For more chances to win, 

visit all of these blogs on their August 1st post and

try to guess where each photo was taken!

The winning entry will receive this beautiful

set of soaps from MacKenzie-Childs.


Where's My Tote? Leave a comment or send an email with  your best guess of where this photo was taken.   One Winner will be chosen from all correct entries received  by the Traveling Tote Blog Group  by August 9th.   For more chances to win,  visit all of these blogs on their August 1st post and try to guess where each photo was taken! Patti and...