Friday, March 5, 2010

Put a Little Pink In Your Day!

With the official first day of spring still two weeks away, I picked up this sweet little African violet to provide a bit of cheer on the gray days we continue to have of late. The African violet, with its velvety leaves and dainty blooms, is one of the easiest of house plants. It seems to like the conditions within most houses and provides a sparkle of joy as it continuously produces delicate blooms of blue or purple or pink, like this one. These plants don't require direct sunlight and are perfect sitting on a windowsill. I've learned over time that they also don't like to be wet, and that it is best to water them from a saucer below. So if you are looking to add a bit of color to brighten what is left of our winter days, then I suggest you too pick up one of these easy care little bloomers. It's a sure fire way to put a little pink in your day!

Thanks to Beverly @ How Sweet the Sound for hosting our Pink Saturdays. Beverly suggests that we try to visit some of the new participants each week to meet new friends and then link to them in a future post. So today I want to introduce you to a new blog I recently discovered through Pink Saturday.

Petite Little Bee is the blog of a San Francisco girl who is a lover of everything beautiful. With San Francisco being one of my favorite US destinations, I was smitten from the first visit. Click here and you will see that Petite Little Bee is truly pinkalicious.

With the official first day of spring still two weeks away, I picked up this sweet little African violet to provide a bit of cheer on the gray days we continue to have of late. The African violet, with its velvety leaves and dainty blooms, is one of the easiest of house plants. It seems to like the conditions within most houses and provides a sparkle of joy as it continuously produces delicate b...