Monday, October 10, 2011

Slowly Falling Into The Season

Today is my first day back in the states after traveling around France for four weeks. It was a spectacular trip, and though I didn't want it to end, it always feels good to be back home. When I left, triple digits were the norm here in Texas, so it was indeed a pleasant surprise to be greeted with some cool, rainy weather upon arrival. Perhaps fall has arrived in central Texas.

Normally by early October there are pumpkins scattered about here at HFTS along with a few friendly witches, black cats, and crows. Fall is a favorite time of year for me, and though I've not been around to pull out the fall decor just yet, I've certainly been inspired by the many fun and creative ideas posted throughout Blogland. With nothing of my own to share just yet, I thought I'd take you to visit my friend, Susan's home. Susan loves holidays and parties, and her home is always a treat. There she is looking out the window to see who is here to visit today. Let's go on in.

The entry is always filled with

fun vignettes, warm and welcoming.

This cute little group of 

pumpkin people stand ready to greet you!

To the side is a silver tray filled with with 

orange glass ball ornaments mixed in 

among some of Susan's collection of silver baby cups. 

 Susan always thinks for some clever way 

to mix in this collection each holiday.

Susan likes to fill this entry hall bench

with loads of fun seasonal pillows and dolls.

Another silver tray holds glass Halloween ornaments 

and petite Limoges type boxes with a Halloween theme. 

 I like the way Susan mixed in the ornamental pumpkin 

looking pods with greens cut from her yard. 

 They really accent the blue and white vase.

Her mantel is ever changing with the seasons. 

 Here she uses her collection of antique majolica 

with little sprays of dried pods on the left side.

The right side is balanced with more of

her charming majolica and a wooden pumpkin.

The pine cupboard is full of beautiful blue and white china, 

but I focused on the whimsical vignette 

Susan arranged across the top.

The dining room chandelier is another feature 

that always figures into Susan's seasonal decorating. 

 This time she has strung it with 

ribbons, lanterns, and decorated cones.

The center piece 

features a pumpkin clown.

This colorful vignette sits 

in the corner on her kitchen counter.

The wooden witch is hand painted, 

and the witch and pumpkin in the vase are made of felt. 

 Clever use of these stick puppets.

Susan's collection of vintage Halloween containers 

flows onto the built-in shelving on a wall in her kitchen.

These darling tea towels were made from ticking and embellished with the a black cat and jack-o-lantern. What could be more perfect for Halloween?

I apologize for the quality of the these photos that were taken a few years ago, though I hope you enjoyed your visit to Susan's home. You can see some of Susan's home decorated for Easter here.

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Today is my first day back in the states after traveling around France for four weeks. It was a spectacular trip, and though I didn't want it to end, it always feels good to be back home. When I left, triple digits were the norm here in Texas, so it was indeed a pleasant surprise to be greeted with some cool, rainy weather upon arrival. Perhaps fall has arrived in central Texas....